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how to adjust screen on bronica sq-b


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hello all!

<p>yesterday i finally got my bronica sq-b...everything is fine and im

happy with the camera...<br>

but on the first test film i noticed, that i can focus past

infinity...so i did some test shots to see if the screen is right in

place...unfortunately it is NOT :-(<br>

you can see one of the test pictures here: <a href="http://www.

lachinger.com/temp/fokus.jpg" target="_blank">fokus.jpg</a> (distance

to the middle of the newspaper was about 0,75 meter, shot at f2,8,

focussed on the little "cross" u can see in the middle)...so

the camera has a little frontfocus...</p>

<p>my question: anyone knows how to adjust the screen by myself (i

dont want to screw around without any plan what im doin....)? which

screws let me raise or lower the screen?</p>

<p>another question: the screen installed is with grid lines,

microprism and 45° split image...so i guess its NOT the original

one ...is it possible, that THIS is the reason for the wrong focussing

(i guess not, but its possible)?...i really like the screen (its

bright and the 45° split is great)...</p>

<p>any help is appreciated!</p>

<p>sorry 4 my bad english (im out of practice)</p>

<p> </p>



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I can answer one or two aspects of this, but I'm not convinced I can resolve your problem.


You can easily remove or change the viewing screen in a SQ-B (or SQ-Ai) by removing the waist level finder or prism. Looking down on the camera there is a clip at either side. If you move these back a few mm you can simply tip the screen into your hand. Now the bad news. There is afaik no method of adjusting the screen position designed into the camera. Its even difficult, with the shape of the screen, to install it upside down by mistake. If the screen sits comfortably, its probably in right.


I'm not sure I follow what you say in your question 100%, but if you are getting soft photographs then there's as much chance of this being a lens problem as an incorrect screen problem causing you to focus incorrectly.


Can you borrow another lens to see whether the same issues apply?


It doesn't sound to me as if what you have there is a Bronica screen either. However the primary aftermarket screens available for the Bronica are probably Beattie and Maxwell and they, to my certain knowledge, work well enough.

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@david: thx 4 your answer...to make it shore...i do not have the original screen or the chance to get another lens at the moment :-(


but i really dont think, that its the lens as it seems to work perfect ... the pictures are sharp, the only problem is, that the focus is a little bit in front...

i did already remove the screen and put it back in...thats not the problem...

i guess i will have to look for an original screen...




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good news!

looks like i fixed it (all by myself :-) )...i just tried and it was pretty easy...just remove the wlf, unscrew the 4 screws of the upper "frame" (not sure if thats the correct term)...then u can remove the screws of the "clips" (2 left, 2 right) and then the small plates where the screen lies...i put some small stripes of paper there till the screen showed infinity at infinity on the lens...now imgonna shoot a roll of test film to see if it works correct!




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Stefan, Thanks for sharing this low tech 'backyard' fix. Anyone who took the time to read your plea for help and your 'discovered' solution will now have another tool in their repair chest to help them solve similar future problems. I will soon duplicate your test to check the focus on my own lenses. Best, LM.
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