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6 month Leica honeymoon


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Hi all,



As some of you here would know, I'm a recent convert to the red dot

camera. It was been an interesting time. I got myself an M6TTL and

within a blink got myself a 50Lux, 35Cron ASPH, 90Cron, 90Elmarit,

50Summitar and a 15CV. And now I'm hunting around for a second M body!

Like some kind of festering organism that I have to feed.



Anyway, a fortnight ago I had my first chance to really stress test

the system out on a short trip to Vietnam. To cut a long story short,

I lost my battery cover after the first week (why is it so easy to

loosen itself?), camera got knocked out of my hand by a passing

motorcyle (those damn crazy drivers!!). I looked on in horror as the

camera went rolling clunk clunk down road ahead of me. As a result of

the knock the rangefinder in the camera well AWOL. My Nikon-FM2 got

worse harassment whilst in India and it still came up firing. Hhmm...


Amazingly the M6 was still usable! but I had to focus using the scale

on the lens and a guess of the light and bracket like hell. Never did

feel the need to use my backup Contax G. Mad? maybe. :-)



Anyway ... unbelievably, I'm still fond of the damn thing !! Just want

to thank everyone here for helping me with some of those stupid

questions about Leica gear and introducing me to some of the finer

points about the camera. This forum is great!



I'm now the proud owner of an ordinary user M6 :-) She's in the shops

for repairs at the moment.



<a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=551297">Here's

some pics from the trip.</a>



Would love to hear your comments and thoughts.



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Anhtu: you did yourself proud. I began writing down titles of pictures that I loved, but the list got too long.


The b&w of the woman making snake soup, and the fisherman casting into the still lake are classics."Standoff between 3 girls" made me laugh out loud! (It ain't that easy to be a kid), although your guess-focus may have failed you a bit there.As with the boy in the red shirt walking by the bay-the only picture I would have left out; although it's debatable whether I'd have gotten as many beauties as you did-with any equipment, in any condition.


I would also like to know the film used as well as the lenses.

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Anhtu - a beautiful compelling collection. I love your juxtaposition of color and black & white, and your subject matter just draws me in deeper and deeper as I move from photo to photo. Thank you for sharing it with us.
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Hi All. Thanks for all your encouraging comments. I am very grateful.

As for some questions about film used:

Mainly Provia 100F and 400F, and Velvia 100F for colour.

Black and White was Ilford Delta 100 and FP4 120.

It was overcast/polluted most of the time - Sunny f11 is more accurate than Sunny f16.

A few of the black and whites were from desaturated colour photos.

Again thanks for your comments.



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Looking at your beautiful pictures brought me many minutes of pleasure. You have a wonderful talent.


One question, maybe two. A lot of your pictures have a colorful and bright subject with dramatically dark surroundings. Is there a special technique to achieve that, such as fill flash?


Also, many looked difficult to meter, especially for slide film. Did you use the Leica's built in meter, or use something else, such as an incident meter?


Again, my compliments.



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Hi Julian, yes they were slide film for the colour ones (Velvia + Provia) and Delta and FP4 for black and whites. Velvia I noticed has a very high contrast. I deliberately kept an eye out for people standing in front of large darkened areas and slightly underexposed my subject. After the meter broke on the M6TTL, I bracket a lot of my shots. Film is cheap. :-)
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