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Can we get a Self-Portraits category?


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Well, I just wanted a forum for people to share images and comments about self-portraits, because taking them is a different mindset and a different set of challenges.


Ratings, really, who cares -- it's about improving yourself as a photography and sharing comments with other folks in the community.

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Well, of course that is possible, but the point being that people taking self-portraits are involved in a different kind of activity, running into different problems, and in a different philosophical space that people taking portraits.


People who have a similar set of problems that are different from other folks, and that all want to talk about them together is the definition of a forum. :)

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Veeery interesting topic! It would be a nice category, as well as a great way to get to know each other. ( ; All joking aside, taking photos of yourself is a totally different world. For some people (me) it's easier; for others, it's much harder than photographing someone else. If not a separate category, then maybe those of us who are into that kind of thing could start a weekly no words forum...although, alas, I fear that participation might be a little slow.

I don't think that the possibility of low ratings on a self-portrait is a big deal. I've received plenty of low ratings for mine; or, at least, I have extrapolated this from the two or three times that I have accidentally clicked on that little button while trying to click the "options" button. The ratings for self-portraits affect me about as much as low ratings on any of my other photos do: not at all. Anyone who would get bent out of shape and construe this as a personal attack A. needs to grow a backbone, and B. needs to gain the maturity to separate themselves a little from their art when they are posting for critique. If someone starts getting too personal and critiquing me instead of my work, I just politely let them know that this is inappropriate. Of course, there are always the old geezers (male and female) who will sit at their computers late at night and assign all the nude models numbers like high school kids checking out hotties on the beach (eh, I'd give her a 3. 1, ugh! Smokin' hot! Definitely a 6!). People like that are just a sad fact of life.

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Exactly. Points schmoints, it's all about the critiques. People are here trying to help each other hone their self-expression, their art -- and instead of going to where they are plenty of prurient images, they skulk around here, looking like they are serious, but typing with one hand. Grow up, boys.


Anyway, back to the point of the thread, it would be great if there was a Self Portraits category. It is a very different type of photography, different enough to warrant a new category, because the challenges of it, physically and philosophically, are different than any other type of photography. And they'll get lost in the sea of portraiture otherwise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good idea Thomas and interesting thread. I was a little surprised to see myself last year when I first tried doing self portraits. It would be a good thing to have a forum where people can learn how to

evaluate their work in self portraiture.



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