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Digital Rebel XT Issues


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Hello Everyone!


I recently shot a friends wedding with my Rebel XT, and while the

pictures were very good, I believe my camera is having some issues.

When going through the pictures on the computer, during the formals my

camera was only in Raw mode, not Raw+JPG, but none the less, there are

JPEG files mixed into the RAW files, during times where I'm certain I

didn't change any settings.


I also noticed that during one of the shots the White Balance went to

Tungsten (making the picture eerily blue), it was set for Flash WB and

I'm certain that I never changed it during the shoot. The blue effect

is easily fixed by some quick RAW editing, but it is still annoying. I

know that flash photography can also influence the amount of noise in

some pictures. Inside I has the ISO set to 400 while using the flash

(Speedlite 420EX) and in many of the pictures there is a lot more

noise than I am used to seeing with this camera.


These are mounting troubles I'm having with it, does this sound like

Warranty issues? Send it back to Canon? I haven't heavily used this

camera either, I have only used it lightly for 6 months. I understand

why you buy a Professional Camera like the 20D, but the Rebel

shouldn't be crapping out after 6 months of light use.


Any thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated!


Thank You!

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Sounds more like human error to me.


I think RAW files always have a sample jpeg saved inside them, so you can flip through thumbnails of RAWS easily... I think.


White Balance going to tungsten is strange.. I never use Auto mode.. but I doubt that would switch the WB. Could you have turned a dial by accident? You didn't notice blue photos coming up on the LCD while taking shots? It should be pretty obvious.


Anyhow you're shooting RAW... whitebalance settings are meaningless anyways.


I would be careful sbout shooting weddings until you are confident in your gear... screwing up your own vacation shots is one thing, a wedding is bad :)

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You didn't state what lens you were using? I would guess that you probably fat fingered a button to get the white balance to tungsten. I agree, it was probably user error. I guess there could be a problem with the camera, it just doesn't sound like it.



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I rechecked everything, and I must have put it into Raw+JPEG for a while, not a problem, just weird ;) I don't usually shoot in that format. The Blue pic was just one, and yes, easily fixable. It was just a friends wedding, so I only did some casual shooting, wasn't being paid.


The issue that I still have is, should you have noticeable noise on ISO 400 when using Flash Indoors? I believe I've seen it happen before, and guess its just a digital fluke with exposure, film does the same thing in a limited capacity.



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There are more values available for brighter colours than for darker ones, it's the way the dynamic range is split up (well thats my oversimplified memory of it). This means that the colder you shoot (underexposed) the more quantisation and sensor noise will be visible when you hike the exposure back in post processing. It's always better to shoot as close to the right (hot) of the histogram as possible to prevent noise. Hopefully someone who has a more technical explanation will bak this up. You can achieve this by having the histogram displayed on the lcd when shooting (info button twice in playback), then you can adjust exposure with FEC to expose correctly.
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