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New Wide Angle Finder

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I don't own (won't ever own) a 24, but using the 21 and Tri-Elmar I'm

forever switching finders. I was just about to purchase one of the

Voigtlander dual-shoe thingys and keep both finders mounted, but this

puppy looks interesting. I have heard that you can see the whole

area with glasses, too.

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Seems like an intelligent product built for flexibility. With a tri-

Elmar and 21 ASPH is would certainly be convenient for travel. This

would be especially true with the Tri-Elmar. Does anyone have a

price on it? I am going up to NYC in 10 days, so I will see what it

looks like (if they have it) at Ken Hansen at Madison and 50 Street

in Manhattan. Good store.




Paul- thanks for your assessment of the 90 ASPH/APO a few months back

it helped me make a good decision. I bought one in Hong Kong at Tin

Cheung Camera last month and used it in Vietnam. Some of the

pictures I got back in Da Nang (China Beach)were amazing- especially

wide-open. Great sharpness, color renditon, contrast and bokeh. It's

a lot easier to travel with that the outstanding 75mm/1.4 . The

weight and balance made a difference when you lug around a camera all

day in the oppressive heat.




Jay- looking into the Tri-Elmar option with the 1998 model, as you

suggested, for travel. Since I travel quite a bit and based on your

comments the 3E will offer me greater options with less bulk. Checked

it out last week. Thanks.





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