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D70 with SB-28


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The SB-28 will work in Manual or Auto mode on the D70, it should also work as a manual wireless slave off the D70's onboard flash. Remember that you will need to manually set zoom length (As well as ISO and Aperture for Auto mode).


I've had very good results with my SB-24 on my Pentax *istD in Auto mode, I'd expect you will with the SB-28 on the D70. It's my experience that Auto flash seems to work better than the older TTL methods on Digital even when they are supported (i-TTL, E-TTL2 and P-TTL however seem to work quite well)

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Nikon D70 Digital Camera book that comes with D70 clearly states on page 188 that: (it is available as PDF on Internet)


SB-28, and SB-24 can be used with D70 only in non-iTTL auto and manual modes. This should remove any guessing, and prior experiences on older equipment, that may not be applicable here.


That is in A mode - non-TTL auto - flash thyristor circuit trims the reflected light output during exposure to the value that it knows from flash data entry of ISO and F-Stop.


M mode is totally manual where you determine flash output or F stop to using the Guide Number, or using flash meter.


iTTL is totally new and extrodinary flash system, and prior experiences with older Nikon cameras, or with other brands like Pentax, do not apply here.


In the iTTL system flash light amount is determined by preflashes before the exposure time. That is completely different from the Auto thyristor mode, when flash amount is determine during actual exposure. This is also different than most all (?) other TTL methods (TTL, DTTL, ETTL - you name it), prior to invention iTTL.


Due to multiplicity of various preflashes from D70 possible, using SB-28 with remote optical slave can be only possible if all preflashes from D70 are stopped. There are quite a few preflashes in the iTTL system in D70, e.g. preflash on the built in flash unit to determine the flash exposure needed, Auto focus assist preflash, Red Eye reduction pre-flash.


In manual mode of the built-in flash in D70 you could possibly trigger wirelessly remote SB-28 on an optical slave, if also all other preflashes are disabled. But you will have to give up automatic flash exposure on the built-in flash. If you use built-in flash in Manual, so using remote SB-28 in Auto may not necessarily assure correct exposure. Both flashes in manual, with a flash meter, would be your solution.

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SB-28 is designed to for use with Nikon's older TTL flash control system which uses a sensor on the bottom of the mirror chamber to read the actual image reflected of off the actual film surface during exposure for real time flash metering and control. This method of flash control can not work with CCD or other digital sensors because they do not predicably reflect a readable image. This is why SB-28 can not be used with Nikon digital cameras.
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