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FM2 X FM2n


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Well, all else being equal, the FM2n is slightly better, mainly in that it has a faster X-sync speed, and it's slightly newer. Otherwise, they are basically identical to one another. However, since both cameras will undoubtedly be bought used, the most important considerations would be the specific condition of the particular cameras you are considering, and their respective prices.


At the same price point, I would invariably choose the camera that was in the cleaner condition, unless they were so close as to be indistiguishable from one another in condition, in which case I'd pick the FM2n.

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As Douglas suggested, try to get a good used FM2N. If for no better reason than because it's the more recent camera and is less likely to need any servicing yet. I bought mine in like new condition about five years ago, it's still in excellent condition despite the heavy use and lack of pampering, and is absolutely reliable.


It has a reasonably high flash sync shutter speed - 1/250 second - which makes it easier to use flash in daylight, even with relatively fast film. And you always have the option of using a slower speed if desired.


It's a solidly made camera, no larger or heavier than it needs to be, with very simple, straightforward controls. The only control I can think of that might be confusing at first is the two-step action to unlock and open the film door. There's a small black lever that pivots around the rewind knob. It must be moved slightly before the rewind knob can be pulled up to open the film door for changing film.


The best review I can think of is popularity among professional and serious amateur photographers. The FM series (FM, FM2 and FM2N) have been among the most popular manual focus, manual exposure cameras among all kinds of photographers. Some pros keep them just for backups. Others of us use ours when we don't want the weight and bulk of our larger Nikons, or for the fast flash sync speed. I used mine yesterday, with the MD-12 motor drive, to photograph my little niece's cheerleader squad and elementary school football game. Even with the motor drive it's a bit smaller and lighter than my F3HP with motor drive.

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