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Canon 10D flash pops up often when it shouldn't

J.W. Wall

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My 10D flash pops up at various times when it should not. Sometimes it

pops up when the camera is turned on. Other times, it doesn't.

Sometimes it pops up while I'm focussing, or when I switch modes. Any

suggested remedies would be much appreciated. (A search didn't find

anything although several threads addressed stuck flashes.)

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J.W., the other posters may be wrong. I faced the same problem with my 10D about a year ago. The flash would pop up every now and then, sometimes when I touched the camera but also in the camera bag. The problem was confirmed by Canon at Photokina 2004, they advised me to bring it in for service. Fortunately I found the problem myself before I sent the camera to Canon. It showed that the flash button was stuck/oblique (if the latter is the correct English term) a bit inwards, thus causing the flash to pop up spontaneously. After some pressing/wiggling the button returned to the proper position and the problem was over. Never faced this again since then.


BTW, if you can't solve the problem and find it annoying you may put a piece of plastic (or wood or cardboard) into the hotshoe. This engages a microswitch and prevents the flash from popping up. I used this trick for a while, I had a hotshoe cover from a Canon A1 that served this purpose very well.

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Or gaffer tape. Thanks, Jos, that doesn't seem to be the case, but the button has very little travel and is very slightly canted toward the front of the camera. I wiggled it awhile and will see how it goes. I relly like the hotshoe idea and will try that next. Thanks to all for the replies.
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