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Problems with 20d talking to my PC


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Recently, I seem to have lost communications between my PC and my 20d.

Before, I would just plug in the USB cable, turn the camera on, then

it would popup an application asking if I want to download the images.

That is not happening anymore. I am not sure what application is

driving that function. I think it might be ZoomBrowser. My version is



Does anyone have a possible idea where I should look or what software

I might need to reload?



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Hi Brian, I have a 20D that's well over a year old and I've never hooked it to my PC. Instead I use a card reader. They cost $20 at Wal-Mart and free up the camera to do something else while you're copying your files. The new USB 2.0 ones are *much* faster than your camera at copying files. They're also necessary if you ever want to upgrade your camera's firmware. I know it's probably not the answer you're looking for but if I were you, I'd just go buy a card reader and wouldn't worry about what could be wrong. Good luck!
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I suggest using the Camera Window software supplied with your 20D or better still I suggest downloading the latest version of the EOS Utility software from Canon. Copy and paste this link http://consumer.usa.canon.com/ir/controller?act=DownloadDetailAct&fcategoryid=314&modelid=10464 into your browser then click on the Drivers/Software link. Select the EOS Utility option. I use this for transferring images as well as remote shooting (capturing images straight to the computer hard drive). It works very well for me...better than the Camera Wizard that comes bundled with Windows. Hope this helps.
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Brian, The EOS viewer is probably the best way to go. But, I expect you could still access the images on your camera using windows explorer. You should be able to find the camera under My Computer.


Hope this is of some help.

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Maybe I should just go with a card reader. Now would be a good time to invest in one.


Its funny. My PC does not even recognise the camera is connected. I move the power switch to the first ON position as I've always done. A popup (not windows, but canon) application appears and I can either download all or select which images to download. It does not do that anymore. I think it stopped around the time I loaded Veritas RecordNow CD burning software.


My PC does not even see the camera from windows explorer. I do get the tones telling me that something has attached itself, but not directory. I had to use the EOS viewer to get my images.


It sounds like a driver got hosed. I'll reload some of the canon image software and see if I can get the popup to activate again. If not, I go the card reader route.


Thanks guys.

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Brian, make sure you haven't accidentally changed the "Communication" setting from normal to PTP. It should be set to normal. Check out page 116 of your manual. If you ever hooked the camera to a printer you would have changed this setting to PTP then. Good luck.
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<p>PTP was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this, so definitely check that. And definitely consider a card reader.</p>


<p>Another possibility: do other USB devices work properly? Not all USB implementations are equally stable, nor are all other USB devices (including hubs) which you might plug into your PC, and I've occasionally seen cases in which the entire USB system on a machine stops working, either until the offending device (if you can figure out which one causes the problem) is unplugged or until the whole machine is rebooted. It's not clear to me from your post whether you've rebooted, unplugged other USB devices, tried a different USB cable, etc. so this may not be applicable (but if you haven't tried those things, try those things; standard troubleshooting).</p>

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Yeah, I was in the 20d menu a few days ago and might have accendentially changed something, so I will check the Communications.


I've done all the typical troubleshooting I can think of. Rebooted many times. I only have one USB device and that is for my wireless lan. It works fine. I did also notice that my Adobe Acrobat is not printing anymore. So there are two applications that are not working correctly. Have tried to reload ZoomBrowser but it failed. I have to completely uninstall the previous version. I might do that anyway.


I'm thinking that a driver, or drivers, have been bumped out by the Veritas RecordNow software. I'll try the suggestions mentioned. Thanks.


Now, recommend a card reader? I'll do a search on that one. Thanks!

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Problem resolved!


I found that Windows Installer was not running as an automatic service. Therefore, msiexec.exe was not running. Once I started Windows Installer and reboot the computer, I connected the camera, placed it to the first ON position and the application started.


Thanks again for your great advise. I think I will get a card reader anyway.


Have a great day!

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