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Autofocus performance of EOS 30v compared to EOS3


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I am looking for a film body and have an option to buy either EOS30v

or a used EOS 3 at almost the same price.. I would like to know if

EOS 30v with enhanced technology and ETTL II support is a better

choice.. Or the EOS 3, 45 point AF will beat the eos 30 AF





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The EOS 3 has a faster and more sensitive AF system than the 30, especially if you use f/2.8 or faster lenses. However, the EOS 30 AF is not by any means slow and will certinaly be adequate for most normal shooting, unless you are shooting high-speed sports or something like that.


The reasons to get the 30 against the 3 are: lighter, smaller and quieter. Everything else is better in the 3.

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I don't agree that the EOS3 is better in every respect. ECF seems to work better on the EOS30 although it is still not good enough if you wear glasses. I also prefer the control layout on the 30V. Unless you have a particularly specialised requirement the 30V has more than enough features and 'performance' to keep you happy. The 3 has significantly better build quality which might result in it lasting longer. In particular the catch holding the back closed on the 30V looks delicate. Other than the build quality I think the 30V is actually a nicer camera.
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I was actually looking at both cameras for quite some time and wondering which to get. about 2 days ago i got the EOS 30V. The EOS 3 has faster and probably all round better AF than the 30V, but as said before, the 30V is by no means slow or inaccurate. The 3 has better build quality as it is a professional body, but therein lies the catch. If you could afford either a NEW 3 or 30V then get the 3, i would have as well, but as i couldn't afford a new 3 either and was looking at 2nd hand, the 30V was the better choice for me. Being a professional body, it is highly likely that the 3 has been used by a professional and while it's a great camera, i don't trust that it hasn't been majorly put through its paces by a pro. For me, the peace of mind of new equipment, weighted with the fact that the 30V is a very capable camera, made my decision for me. with the 30V i have a warranty if anything goes wrong and i have full knowledge of its history. While i have only been using the camera a couple of days, i don't plan on specialising in motorsports photography with it. I enjoy sports and sports photography and feel that on the occasions i do that sort of photography, the camera will get me some decent results (even if it tests me to get good results i'll be a better photographer for the experience), but i think that for the most part, people and landscapes, with a bit of creature photography will be my main subjects. The 30V is a good camera, and while i'm not telling you which to get - my decision, in the same position you're in now, was to go for the NEW 30V, as opposed to 2nd hand pro equipment. The only person that has to make the decision is you though, so just weigh up the alternatives (if you plan on getting into photography for the long run, then you might end up with another film body further down the track, or digital).

Do you need the super fast AF for your main photography intertests ? (sports etc.) Can you live with 2nd hand, or even 3rd hand if it wasn't bought new before you ? Do you know enough to judge the quality of the 2nd hand product ? Are you likely to be out in extreme weather taking photos ? Would your money be better spent on a more expensive body OR the cheaper (but still very capable - the 30V has won awards i THINK) body and good lenses ? I was thinking of spending the AUS$1,500 - 2,000 on a new EOS 3, but now for about $1,000 i can have my new 30V and a 24 f2.8 OR 35 f2 (already have 70-200 f4). In the end it's up t oyou, but let us know your decision and your feelings down the track, i'll post some results when i get them developed to.

Long live film!

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