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350D and Tiger


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Hello all and thanks for reading this.


I just bought a 350D (already own a 300D) and cannot get the software

to install on my Powerbook (OS 10.4.2). More worrying is that I have

backed up the pictures I took yesterday (precious ones of my

daughters 3rd birthday - all shot in RAW mode) but cannot open the

images in any programmes including PS CS. The file name ends

in .CR2....any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated.


I am waiting for Canon to come back to me on the general software

issues but am I missing something obvious.


Thanks again.



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Can you give me a link for that - I cannot find it anywhere - the 3.1 plug-in specifically

states that it does not work with earler versions of PS?


I am still getting nowehere with installing canon's software and their customer support

is....poor so far.


Just out of interest, when I plug in my hard drive I can preiew the .CR2 files in Finder but

when I "convert" them (now using Bibble Labs Lite) I get a "splodge" of bright colours and no

image....will I ever be able to convert RAW images from my new 350D?

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hey barry,


i just grabbed files for my windows machine.. here's a link of all the adobe plugin's, for various versions of photoshop:




just from main site, goto support -> downloads -> click macintosh beside photoshop.. you can see there's a section for cs2, and a section for cs.. try that possibly.. :)


looks like there's "Adobe DNG Converter and Camera Raw 2.4 update" for photoshop cs

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If you can provide more information on exactly *why* the Canon software won't install on

your Powerbook, someone here might be able to help with that side of things. I installed

the Digital Photo Solutions CD (version 9.1) on my PowerBook, under 10.4.2, without any

issues (and that was only a very short time ago), so it is possible to install the Canon

software under 10.4.2 (for at least some values of 10.4.2).


(Other than that, I think you're probably SOL. As another poster noted, CS2 can handle

CR2 images but CS does not appear to be able to do so; personally, I think the $150 for

the upgrade is worthwhile, but I'm waiting for my 30-day trial to run out before I drop

$300 for the Elements -> CS2 purchase. Actually, that would be a reasonable stopgap--if

you can grab the 30-day trial of CS2 from Adobe's site, that would at least allow you to

manipulate the images you've already grabbed from the camera.)

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It gets worse! :-(


I got the software onto my computer last night and opened the RAW images but they were all "damaged" with bands of colour running through them. I tested the memory card on my 300D and it seems fine, the lenses have all been used for a long time on other cameras so I can only assume I have a dodgy body (no jokes please) which I am returning later today. Only problem is that no one has body only and may have to spend more to get the 20D.



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  • 11 months later...
Should you require a quick solution to converting your images to TIFF format so at least you can edit or review them. you may view your images in "PREVIEW" (MAC OSXTIGER) and save them from there to TIFF. Here you can even save in 16bit mode!. This is only a simple temporary solution that I'm adapting until I get PS CS2 myself but if works!
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<<so I can only assume I have a dodgy body (no jokes please) which I am returning later today.>>


I think that's a really poor assumption to make.


You would be better off testing the DNG conversion and opening the DNG files in CS than going through this whole mess.

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