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5D LCD Display


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The Sun will be brighter than most devices. You should look at the images in the shade (i.e. use your body to shade the camera) NOT in direct sunlight.


Also, how much do you want to see? The histogram and composition would be more than visible even in direct light. Everything else doesn't matter (you can't judge color and/or exposure by looking at the image on the LCD).


I just did three daytime shoots with my 5D last week and I was able to see all the relevant info as well as show the shots to the models/art director when asked. They had no trouble seeing it with the default settings.


Remember, when you shot film this "problem" didn't exist...

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Agree with Giampi. I'm digging the 5D. No, it's not a "perfect" camera. But show me one that it is. Digital imaging has spoiled people and made shooters too dependent on the equipment as well as post-processing. It's too easy for snapshooters to grab shots and check/fix them later. But real Photographers will think about the composition/lighting/exposure before clicking the shutter.<br><br> A lot of the time, I don't even check the LCD (certainly not after every shot like I see some people with DSLRs do). Never had it with film, so why do I need it now except to adjust camera settings. The LCD and histogram is a just a nice luxury for me. Remember when we had to shoot Polaroids? ... Actually, I kind of miss those days.
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It is useless under anything but the dimmest conditions. Shading it does not even work well.I have an epson p2000 with a wonderful screen and I cant see why Canon could not have made the screen more like it's, after all they arent exactly idiots in imaging. Whats the point of trumpeting a huge lcd when it's a step backward. so what that its bigger , even with its size , you cant check focus properly at 10x anyway.

Very dissapointing on a camera of this calibre. I have never found the lcd on any dslr particlarily useful barring histograms etc, such a pity. A live preview twist and flip lcd that is visible in bright light on my dslr is my dream , it would make life so much easier for macro , product shots , low angle stuff, photojournalism and so forth....we can but dream.

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Iv'e had my 5d for more than a month and shot about 5000+ images with it. I do expect equipment to advance with technology and be useable if that technology is touted as one of it's advantages. Your last statement about film is rediculous , how about asking me how I did engraving without my lasers or CnC mills , or how we all cooked without electric or gas stove or microwaves.

Here are but a very few of my 5d pics http://www.drgfinger.fotopic.net

If you wish to imply something or make an accusation , how about some backup. Why attack me for the equipments shortcomings?

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WOW ! 5000 images in a little over a month... That's about 1000/week. I guess it's cool that we're able to shoot that much now with digital. It would've been tough and expensive with film. I know it doesn't matter whether you shoot 5000 digital or film frames.... but geee... I sure hope there's a few "keepers" in that 5000.
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<i>"Iv'e had my 5d for more than a month and shot about 5000+ images with it. I do expect equipment to advance with technology and be useable if that technology is touted as one of it's advantages. Your last statement about film is rediculous ...If you wish to imply something or make an accusation , how about some backup. Why attack me for the equipments shortcomings?"</i><p>

The 5D did advance, rather well, over all other Canon cameras (except the 1DMkII). The 2.5 inch LCD is an improvement and certainly better than the 10D and 20D. What is not so usable about your 5D?

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Ron , Whats so unusal about 1000 images a week , I know of wedding guys that do that and more on one shoot. I use my camera personally as a hobby type thing over weekends and it's used at my business to take shots for my catalogues , we produce 1000's of varied items and can easily take 50 shots of the same item under varied lighting conditions and from diff angles. I also use it for customers product shots for our large format printing division and a whole host of other things.

Ken, I didnt say the 5d was unuseable and love it's image quality which is the prime reason I bought one for, Nothing much else matters as its peripheral to the 5d's core reason which *is* it's sensor, however if an enhancement or feature is touted as being one , it should actually be one and be useable on a camera of this price. My only other real niggle is the viewfinder thats difficult to use if you wear glasses. Otherwise it does the job I got it for admirably , I have never said otherwise.

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I can't imagine having the time to even look through 5000 images a month, sort out the keepers, tweak them, mat, frame and hang them! You'd have to quit your day job for sure. You'd also run out of wall space fast...

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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It doesn't sound like he's framing and matting them, if you take the time to read what he's doing.


And it doesn't sound like you've had to do much work in photography. I have nights when I shoot twelve boxing matches, six hundred photos usually. That sounds like a lot, but it's only fifty per match, ten to fifteen per two minute round. Really not that much. And I have them edited and ready within eight hours. This isn't even that much - I know wire agency photographers who have to crank out 1000 a night and still get through them. Some of us actually have to use our cameras.

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Puppyface , I have 25 staff in my business , amongst them 3 designers/graphic artists , they sort out their stuff , I sort out mine.

As a hobbyist , some days I get more keepers than others and I dont process every pic only the aesthetic ones. I might get no keepers at all from 3-400 shots or I might get 80% that are technically perfect but not one that appeals to me or I might get 50% of what I shot as keepers out of 70 shots C'est la vie. If you don't shoot , you will have *no* keepers , the film is free so why not? It's not like I just walk around and shoot everything in sight hoping for a lucky shot , I do compose etc and put some thought into what I'm doing. I might not be the best photographer out there , but I learn something new every shoot I do over the 30 yrs or so I've been in the hobby (on and off). I do other stuff as well ,I drag race cars , I like american muscle and have a Corvette I'm restoring , I go out on my Silverwing bike weekends for breakfast/photo runs , I am into high end audio , play on computers and generally enjoy my toys while spending plenty time with my family, we always go out one day over the weekend for outings that cater to their entertainment and my photo needs. I still manage to work a 12-14 hr day too. Perhaps the fact that I only sleep 2-3 hrs a day leaves me plenty time?

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Hi, I thought the 20D lcd hopeless outside and only use the histogram for reference, It was disappointing as it is harder to read than the D30. I beleive the 5D bigger, easier to read and much better at all angles, especially for client viewing. But being realistic didn`t expect all improvements from Canon in one package.


I`m glad to read Rodney finally say something good about the 5D, but I guess forums are mostly about some bitching. I don`t read every post so may have missed something,I was almost going to pass the 5D as a replacement for my Hassie gear to continue commercial work in digital. Most the guys I know went 1ds2, 5D seams cheap for a FF body. Sounds like the dioptre adj doesn`t go far on this model.


Also using a camera for a living, I remember D&p 15-25 rolls a week custom printing on the devere or bessler and hand feeding my 20" Sitte. wow its so much easier now, just our restuarant & nite club stuff is enough put a wedding in and a beauty contest , 1000+ is easy done. Mainly shoot jpeg. Ulead viewer & PS together can check 150-200/hr. part of the chores. Thanks to some supporters on this forum I`ll still get the 5D sometime down the track a visable LCD may appear. I don`t suppose a hoodman would help?


good luck have fun

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Are there 2 versions of this camera?



From luminous landscape:

But before it does so though Canon needs to do something about the screen's performance in bright conditions, such as in full daylight. While shooting with the 5D in the intense and almost cloudless daylight of Greece I was also taking snapshots with a Sony T7 ultra-thin pocket digicam, which features a transreflective screen, which is, by coincidence, the same size as that on the 5D. While the Sony screen actually remains visible even in direct sunlight, the Canon became so washed out as to be almost unusable. Canon needs to give their future cameras an LCD screen that provides photographers with state-of-the-art technology. The new screen on the 5D and the 1D MK IIn, while larger than on previous models, get a failing grade when it comes to usefulness outdoors.





And another comment on the LCD screen from



Cons : LCD hard to read outdoors with some sunlight



So have Canon upgraded the screen for later models?

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<i>A live preview twist and flip lcd that is visible in bright light on my dslr is my dream , it would make life so much easier for macro , product shots , low angle stuff, photojournalism and so forth....we can but dream.</i>


Hmmm. You'll find your dream wish on a compact then. Try a Fuji and give Canon a break!


<i>Why attack me for the equipments shortcomings?</i><P>

Pot calling the kettle black. You're 'attacking' Canon. What is that saying about bad workmen blaming their tools...


<i>I sure hope there's a few "keepers" in that 5000.</i><P>



<i>can easily take 50 shots of the same item under varied lighting conditions and from diff angles</i> <P>

You've got your technique sorted then...

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Which fact about the LCD being unusable in bright light can you refute happy? Are the other guys that used the camera and noted this also bad workmen?


Yeh, technique , ask a wedding photographer why he takes a 1000 shots to print maybe 24 or 36? Ever hear of offering a client a selection?


My 5d just died (must be my bad workmanship too or perhaps I just imagined it) Im sooooo unhappy with it and hate Canon soooo much that guess what-------I'm replacing it---------With ANOTHER ONE (to compliment my 10d, 20d, S2 IS(with its flip and twist screen) and a whole lot of L lenses , macro flashes and Canon system accesories which I also hate but bought just to beat myself up with)

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<i>Which fact about the LCD being unusable in bright light can you refute happy?</i><P>

Take off the shades and all will be revealed! There's certainly nothing wrong with my display.<P>

<i>ask a wedding photographer why he takes a 1000 shots to print maybe 24 or 36?</i><P>

No need to ask, I was a professional wedding photographer for 6 years, trained by one of the best wedding & portrait photographers in the UK. I used to shoot between 7 - 10 rolls of 12 exp 120 film per wedding. Of that there was an element of double shots to guard against people (usually guests) moving/blinking/turning away. Out of those 84 - 120 exposures we would generally offer a proof album containing between 70-90 images. If a photographer needs to shoot 1000 images per wedding they must obviously be poor at their trade. No wedding party wants to be harrassed by a photographer for a hundred images let alone a thousand. If a photographer is shooting 1000 images he can't have the bride/bridegrooms attention and therefore is just 'grabbing' paparazzi style snap-shots. Furthermore, to only offer 24-36 images (dismally low) from a 1000 - if they learnt their trade they would shoot less and keep/sell more.


Friends of mine who married years ago wanted a photographer but didn't want me to do it as I was a guest for the day. Two professionals turned up and shot roll film (1 x 12exp) and 35mm. Out of the album there were 3 shots that were in focus and marginally acceptable. There rest were poorly exposed (over-exposed flash in bright daylight), poorly posed, out of focus etc. My friends pursued these so-called 'professioanls' through the courts. I 'grabbed' a few shots with an EOS5 85/1.8 and available light and those became the family pictures.

<P>So, moral is, not everyone who claims to be a 'professional' can produce a professional result, but hey, it looks easy doesn't it.


<i>My 5d just died (must be my bad workmanship too or perhaps I just imagined it)</i><P>

Nope. You just KILLED IT!


Like I said, perhaps you would be better off with a Fuji P&S with a nice bright tilt and swivel screen. :)

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