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8x10 backpacks


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I would appreciate any recommendations and experience of 8x10" backpacks.

I have just got a Double extension Wista for which I have 10 DDs and a 300mm lens.

I have looked through the previous Q&As but I'd like a more UK specific answer please (a

lot of the US kit is hard to get hold of here).


All suggestions greatfully recieved, cheers, Ivan.

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I have tried several different dedicated photo backpacks and while I find them handy for

access I do not find any of them to be as comfortable as many of the well designed packs

that are purely for hiking. There are a number of packs that will hold your gear plus some

incidentals for a long day hike. There are even some smaller packs that will handle yoru

gear and the stuff you need for some bare bones overnight hiking for a couple of days. I

use a pack from Dana Designs because their harness system works very well for me but

this is purely taste and preference. Dana Designs, Mountainsmith and Arcteryx (sp?) are

jsut three of many manufacturers worth considering. If you are hiking rough terrain and

doing any ice or rock climbing with your gear the ease of access rapidly aples in

comparison to the comfort of the pack. My Dana pack is a top loader (which is a pain) but

I can get to two different compartments inside with ease and keeping the photo gear in

the to compartment makes it easy to get at when I stop to setup.

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Thanks for the help guys, I've tried all the LowePro bags (I use the Stealth AW for my Dig

kit) but found even the Super Trekker oddly imperfect (and heavy!) for the 10x8. I say


because the gear is such a uniform shape. I think Ted is on the right track, I don't need

rapid access to the gear, I am going quite a way (10-20km a day) but on comfortable

terrain with good tracks (no cramp-ons required!).


I think I'm gonna have a dig around my local hiking store. Cheers for your thoughts guys.

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I hike to remote locations with my 8x10 and assorted equipment using an old external-frame EMS backpack that I had previously used for straight backpacking in the 70's. I also use a newer Jack Wolfskin internal frame model for those times that I want to carry the load closer and have more flexibility.


The external frame packs--as opposed to the newer and generally more expensive internal frame mountaineering backpacks, that hold the load closer to your body--handle bulky loads very well, keep sharp/hard objects from poking you in the back, and have well-padded hip belts to transfer the loads to your hips and away from your shoulders.


Also consider a couple of hiking poles, These really help you keep your balance and take a lot of stress off your back and knees. You can carry pretty heavy loads with these packs and they are significantly less expensive than a dedicated camera pack.


BTW, I also use a Mini-Trekker for hiking with smaller loads. I like it, but the harmess and waist belt are not as comfortable as a pure backpacking design. I tried on the Super-Trekker (is that the name?), and it just did not fit me as well as my current large backpacks.


The Lowe packs are well made and, most importantly, are easier to access than single compartment mountaineering packs. And if you're anticipating rain, the Lowe packs will protect your gear better, although you can simply get a rain cover for the external-frame packs.


Good luck and happy packing with all that weight.

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like ted, i prefer hiking packs to any photo pack i've ever owned or tried on. the best ones going now, IMHO, are arcteryx, dana designs, and osprey - in that order. i have a top-loading dana which carries wonderfully. i have a panel-loading opsrey which is easier to get in and out of, but doesn't carry as well as the dana bag. when you order a dana bag, you can specify the pack size and the belt size, making a real custom fit. not so with any other mass produced pack... my osprey pack is great, but the belt is a little too big.



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