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A little bit more on the 5D


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Well, if the 5D in the described form and shape is a reality, then I am not much excited at all.

1D MkII would still be my choice. Of course, FF may appeal to some people (I just wonder how many of them actually print anything bigger than 8x11). In my humble opinion if megapixels are really important for a pro - he will go for the latest and greatest like 1Ds II and be done with it.


I realize that the rumored descriptions are vague and/or possibly inaccurate, but I am just wondering about the perceived market for the 5D (if it is 5D). Apart from the supposed FF 12Mp sensor it does not have anything which would really distinguish from the 20D.

I do not think that many people would upgrade from 20D to 5D just for the sake of the FF. Just my 2c (and I may be wrong).

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"I do not think that many people would upgrade from 20D to 5D just for the sake of the FF. Just my 2c (and I may be wrong)."


And you may be right. The potential market segment for the alleged 5D includes some 20D upgraders, some 1D(s) downgraders, some film converts, some new entrants, maybe even some brand switchers. The task of market researchers is to overlay the company's technilogical and production capabilities with their market data, and then propose the product that best fills the company's marketing and financial needs.


There's no perfect product for the broad market, which is why there's a range of products.


I own a 20D, and while it's not my ideal body, it's the best fit for my needs / wants today. The 5D isn't it, either; mostly because it's too expensive, too slow (frame rate) and too soon after my purchase of a 20D. But if it's real, give this new product category a couple more generations, and I'm there with my wallet open!

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Well, I'm an upgrader, from my 10D.


The upgrade from the 10D to the 20D didn't make sense to me (and still doesn't). I have a couple of film bodies, so getting small-frame lenses doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and I'm not too keen on getting third-party lenses. My shortest lens is a 17mm (17-40), which isn't wide enough for my taste on the 10D. I don't like the small viewfinder of the 10D.


I've been considering a Sigma 12-24 for a while, but (like I said) I'm not excited about third-party glass.


I've been thinking about a used 1Ds, but I'm not convinced by its low-noise performance, I don't like being forced to carry the huge body and batteries all the time, and I'd have to buy one used (with all the risks that go along - I'm willing to take risks on a $100 body but not on a $4000 one) (new bodies are hard to find and certainly cost more than that).


The 5D sure looks exciting to me.

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Well if this is a real camera, it's the one I've been waiting for.

I shoot film, and as I do a lot of traditional b&w work I want to keep shooting film. But what I could really do with is a DSLR for general colour work and to speed up my work flow. I've never liked the idea of the small sensor. For those who want to work with both film and digital, this camera, if it is real, would be ideal.

Could I be about to purchase my first digital camera?

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