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Has anyone tried E100GP, the new Kodak film (Japan only...)

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I went to the store today and saw a new film...a rarer occurance these days. It is E100GP. I

have not tried it yet, but I was wondering if anyone had a chance to use it. I have found a

press release about it on Kodak Japan's site, but my reading comprehension in Japanese is

pretty mediocre, so I did not get that much out of it. I did a google translation of it, and it

appears that it is like E100G only with "purer whites" It looks like it is designed for

commercial photographers and is only available in 120...hmm. I bought two rolls today, so

we'll see. I like E100G, but it has a tendency to turn quite blue and magenta in overcast

weather, perhaps this will be better. I am not a fan of E100GX...<P>Anyway, here is the

press release. You can translate it if you need to by going to google and clicking more,

then translate at the bottom of the page. Then just paste the link and select Japanese to

English...it is far from perfect but usually gives you an idea of what is going on. <P>


<a href="http://wwwjp.kodak.com/JP/ja/corp/news/0605/210605.shtml">E100GP</a>

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"In addition to the neutrally-balanced color slide film, E100G, which is highly regarded by amateur and professional photographers, Kodak has added a fresh film to the Japan marketplace, E100GP, which goes on sale July 28th."


It goes on to talk about how E100GP is for commercial product/model photographers who use a "white back" (backdrop?) and don't want the background to be visible. Skin colors, etc are the same, but base brightess is higher. The film was developed based on feedback from photographers.


Doesn't look like it will solve your blue problems in daylight- I'd suggest using what is called Elitechrome 100 (consumer) in the States or bring a warming filter with you.

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