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Autofocus problem with 24-70L


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My 2-year old 24-70L lens will no longer autofocus. I am using the

lens on a 20D. All my other lenses work fine. I also tried using

the lens on an Elan 7 - it did not work on that camera body either.


Has anyone encountered this problem? What are the suggested repair

locations - any ideas on the potential cost?



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Are your connections in good condition on the lens or are they worn off a bit? As you said its 2 years old.

Did you try to take the battery out with the lens still on etc to see if it will work?

My 300mm and 400mm at times don't focus too with my 20d and they are new and I don't know why but I find if I turn it off or take out the battery then put it back they work fine again. Good thing it does not do this all the time. Anyway good luck with your lens and getting it to work.




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  • 3 weeks later...
More of a comment related to the second posting. I have a brand new nikon f100 and sometimes my 300mm afs(internal motor lens) does not autofocus(its less than a year old). It's appalling to think that such high gear like your 20d and those long lenses just "don't work" sometimes. These annoying glitches are like having to jiggle the coil wire on my 72 volvo to get it to start. And you just know that if you send your kit off to Canon so they can man-handle for a few weeks they'll probably not find your intermittant problem.
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