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A bit more info where the 'leak' on the 24-105/4L came from


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Just something I found:


photo0101 wrote:

Hi there.


To take away the last question, here's how the CPS thing started. I've been reading

speculations about the new model(s) for some time and went to the CPS site to look for

some new information.


There I noticed that the URLs for the different issues were built up the same way (since it's

database driven) and only changed "issueId" in the end.


I think issue no 12 had issueId=100140, issue no 13 had issueId=100160 ... hmm ... what

could the next issueId for no 14 be I asked myself.


So there it was, I couldn't believe my eyes. Issue 14 with what seemed to be a temporary

starting image, but with new contents below. I tried to follow the links but with no luck.

Everything was pointing to nowhere (as often while in development).


So I posted the link at dpreview in the News-forum:




Apparently a german poster saw the message and posted it locally some 5 minutes later,

which p5freak saw and posted in other forums on dpreview, soon followed by a screen

dump, and the discussion took off.


Within 40 minutes from my original posting the CPS page was down, later the whole site.


Was it a mistake or a new marketing "praxis" - I don't know. But I stay anonymous since

this actually feels like a mistake from Canons side and my intention wasn't to cause any

damage. For a planned marketing event I wouldn't think they would have the site shut

down this long - the point is already made (if so). It's of course possible some other

people started to hack the site looking for more specs. And it's also possible Canon

actually didn't know that this page was published and shut down the whole site just to

control no other information is unintentionally published before going live again.


And here we are.


And off I go.


And I won't post anything more under this name. Cheers!


And the link:





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Haha, the plot thickens. This definitely puts weight toward thinking that the CPS page was a mistake from Canon, and not a hack.


Geee, that's a real-time thriller, anyone wants to shoot a movie about it (you have to shoot it with an XL2, obviously).

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