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Great news I won

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Well As per a post almost 2 months's ago I lost my job. Seems things

have improved. I got my job back with all lost pay and some extras.

while I was off It allowed me to shoot alot of film but I never got

it processed. Well in the next few months it will be. Thank all of

you for putting up with my moods during the last couple of months.


Remember if you don't fight you can't win and if you don't try you

can't lose. this time I won. Let us all be fighters.


Never Judge a man unless you have been in his shoes on the path he




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Great to hear this news from you, Larry. Seems that there is a little justice in this world,

after all. I endorse every word you have written above. And, I very much like your picture. I

hope that you will be able to show us some more of the photographic work you were able

to do during your "off time." Best wishes. Jim McBride

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Larry...congratulations on your success, and on overcoming adversity!


It seems to me though that Kerry Kennedy didn't read your posting in it's entirety...I quote: "Never judge a man unless you have been in his shoes on the path he tread." All of a sudden there's a cheap shot at George W. Bush...how original! It's "soup the jour" time again.


Kerry...you've lost your compass; go to Michael Moore's site or G. Soros' site and commiserate all you want!

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You are quite correct, Tito. I have never been in W's shoes. I have had to work for a living, hold real jobs, serve in Vietnam, without Daddy or Daddy's friends bailing me out. I have had to worry about medical bills, mortgage payments, and have never had a 35 day vacation in one year. With two degrees from MIT, I have been forced to accept science, rather than black magic and superstition. Bush couldn't find his butt with two hands. I am happy that Larry got his job back before it went bye-bye to our good buddies in India, who sided with the FSU during the cold war.
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[sarcasm on]

Tito, yer right. Kerry cheapshot Herr Bush. What a truly remarkable man of substance and character, living a good, Christian life. GOD BLESS George W. Bush. We need more tough, experienced, go-getters like him.

[/sarcasm off]



You know I could run for governor but I'm basically a media creation. I've never done anything. I've worked for my dad. I worked in the oil business. But that's not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office.<br>

-- Dubya displays some candor in an 1989 interview, as quoted in "Fortunate Son" by James Hatfield, Jul. 2, 1989<p>


FINK: When you're talking about politics, what do you and [your father] talk about?<br>

DUBYA: Pussy.<br>

-- Interview with David Fink of the Hartford Courant at the 1988 Republican National Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, Aug. 14, 1988<p>

<a href="http://www.dubyaspeak.com/">http://www.dubyaspeak.com/</a><p>


Kerry - I would be proud to buy you a pint if ever we cross paths. I thank you for your service to thisgreat nation. If any has the right to spit at George W. Bush, it is you and your brothers and sisters who rode it out in-country, in service, and we are indebted to you.

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Congratulations, Mr. President!


2948 = US deaths on 9/11 (confirmed)<br>

1899 = US deaths in Iraq<br>

14265 = US wounded in Iraq<br>

231 = US deaths in Afghanistan<br>

583 = US wounded in Afghanistan<br>

??? = killed by Hurricane Katrina<br>



Death Wants More Death<br>

Charles Bukowski<br>


death wants more death, and its webs are full:<br>

I remember my father's garage, how child-like<br>

I would brush the corpses of flies<br>

from the windows they thought were escape-<br>

their sticky, ugly, vibrant bodies<br>

shouting like dumb crazy dogs against the glass<br>

only to spin and flit<br>

in that second larger than hell or heaven<br>

onto the edge of the ledge,<br>

and then the spider from his dank hole<br>

nervous and exposed<br>

the puff of body swelling<br>

hanging there<br>

not really quite knowing,<br>

and then knowing-<br>

something sending it down its string,<br>

the wet web,<br>

toward the weak shield of buzzing,<br>

the pulsing;<br>

a last desperate moving hair-leg<br>

there against the glass<br>

there alive in the sun,<br>

spun in white;<br>

and almost like love:<br>

the closing over,<br>

the first hushed spider-sucking:<br>

filling its sack<br>

upon this thing that lived;<br>

crouching there upon its back<br>

drawing its certain blood<br>

as the world goes by outside<br>

and my temples scream<br>

and I hurl the broom against them:<br>

the spider dull with spider-anger<br>

still thinking of its prey<br>

and waving an amazed broken leg;<br>

the fly very still,<br>

a dirty speck stranded to straw;<br>

I shake the killer loose<br>

and he walks lame and peeved<br>

towards some dark corner<br>

but I intercept his dawdling<br>

his crawling like some broken hero,<br>

and the straws smash his legs<br>

now waving<br>

above his head<br>

and looking<br>

looking for the enemy<br>

and somewhat valiant,<br>

dying without apparent pain<br>

simply crawling backward<br>

piece by piece<br>

leaving nothing there<br>

until at last the red gut sack<br>


its secrets,<br>

and I run child-like<br>

with God's anger a step behind,<br>

back to simple sunlight,<br>


as the world goes by<br>

with curled smile<br>

if anyone else<br>

saw or sensed my crime<br>

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Thank you, CE, and I hope your own job woes have been improved. I really enjoy your postings on abandoned film. I went to a Goodwill store yesterday to see if I could find some icon of the 50's but all I saw were plastic P&S of the seventies. I did check out all the 35mm lenses, but they were all no-names that I never heard of. You have a lovely family and I hope all is well and secure.


I voted for JFK in 1960 and swore I would never make that mistake again. I voted for W in 2000 because I respected his father. I now regret that I thought so poorly of Clinton. Clinton raised himself up from humble beginnings because he was smart. He was not a puppet on Rove's strings. He may have lied but nobody died. The economy was booming, we had a budget surplus, and unemployment was down dramatically. As illustrated in recent Doonesbury cartoon, W has done virtually nothing right, except to look out for his millionair-billionair buddies. Max Cleland, who lost three limbs in Vietnam, and John McCain who suffered as a POW, and John Kerry, who was wounded in Vietnam were portrayed as traitors by the draft dodging bastards of the current administration. The person I admired most, Colin Powell, was let go because he was not a "team player", according to Rove, who deserves to burn in Hell. I am a first generation American, father born in Scotland, mother's parent's born in Poland, and I love this marvelous country. My oldest daughter is a retired Air Force officer, and my youngest son is in the Army serving in Iraq. Does anyone dare accuse me of not supporting the troops? The best way to support our troops is to get them the hell out of Iraq; their only mission now is a vain attempt to rescue W's miserable reputation. Does he have any relatives or friends serving in Iraq? I apologize for politicising this wonderful forum; I will cease and desist (for now). But my heart goes out to the poor people of the Gulf Coast who had the misfortune to be served by W and his incompetent cronies. Please America, wake up and recognize that this is the most corrupt and incompetent administration in our history, bar none. The rest of the world recognizes W as a global disaster; so should we!

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I came to photo.net to talk about photography not politics.There are lots of forums that deal with politics,if you want you're welcome to go there.Please leave politics to the politicans & photography to the photographers....Wheather you're a pinko commie or a right wing nut job..leave it at the door!
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