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Marking critique only as favorite

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Will it ever be possible to mark a Critique Only as one of your

favorits. Other then marking the photographer as someone your

interested in there isn't a way to find the photograph again. There

are some wonderful images that get lost in the system. Something

that would show up in the "Photos rated highest by this member"

would be a bonus.





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Add a comment to the image and change the subject line to "Favorite #1" or something similar and when you scroll through your posted critiques you'll be able to pick it out.


Of course if Brian added this feature it would be great for those of us who find the rating system too flawed to participate.

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Thanks SP, I had not thought of that. It's a little messy but at least I could find the photo again.


It took me about 2 hours of searching through old posts but I finaly found Brians comment.


.....As for "no direct ratings", I'm thinking of doing that. I'm considering having a "favorites" system where people will be able to pick a photo as a "favorite" on the photo page but not rate it on the 1-7 scale. The favorites lists could be used for a display of each person's collection of favorites and also for some kind of TRP ranking based on how many people had made a photo a favorite.....


I wouldn't suggest making it part of the TRP as that is just another way people can scam the system. I just want something to make it easier to find photos that are listed as critique only.


The last thing I want to hear is someone complaining about "Mate Favorites"



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