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Downtown New Orleans


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hang in there... I have a feeling this is going to get better faster than people think. Time, yes, but not years. I think the push will accelerate, keep your eye on Clinton and Bush sr.


My game plan if possible is to visit New Orleans next year. I have always wanted to go and so I will put my tourist dollars, small as they are, into the local economy. I suspect a lot of others will do the same.

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Agreed, we were planning a trip to Bay St. Louis/Gulfport/New orleans next summer anyway so with any luck we'll drop a few dollars to support reconstruction. Everything changes. Without change things stagnate and die, so hopefully New Orleans will rise again better than before. Sure hope the same for all the gulf area affected.
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That's a very painful photo to see. New Orleans is more than its buildings, many of which are ruined. The city is its people.


Some friends of mine in the city have lost everything they own and have to start over. They are currently dispersed in Texas and all the way to Atlanta, living on the generousity of others. Red beans and rice on Monday in either Austin or Atlanta is not the same as serving them at home.


From my viewpoint, the true reach of how long it will take to rebuild is an unknown.

Best Regards - Andrew in Austin, TX
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Well-stated, Andrew. And when we look at it from that perspective, we can see how NOLA may never again be THAT place, THAT soulful place, with so many of its soulful displaced, drowned, out of action.


Of course, it will be the perfect opportunity for rich men to get richer building the squeaky-clean version of their playground and enticing others to lollygag there... creating more poor where there were poor to begin with.


Ditto the casinos wiped out on the coast, all of those people put out of their shitty low-paying jobs so the rich could enjoy a lil' paradise on the cheap.... what of them? Well, rich men will rebuild there, as well, and more poor folks will wander in to take the shitty, low-paying jobs the rich men create, and the rich men will scoop out millions upon millions yet again, on the banks of the GOMexico, on the backs of people too desperate to say "no thanks, not for $6 an hour, not for $10 an hour."

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Thank you. I have plenty of film and supplies. Things are getting back to normal in the western outskirts of the city. I will start posting stuff once I am able. My wife and friend are in the city cleaning up the house. No electricity yet. The back of the house had damage from the wind. Need a new roof. Shingles flew everywhere. No flood damage. Water only got six inches deep. The house is 180 years old and still standing.

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