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New F-1 question....


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It doesn't, which is why for the life of me I could never figure out why anyone in his right mind would want that finder. The F-1's match needle metering works beautifully. Having that half-assed auto feature makes it useless, unless you only shoot negative film and don't much care about accurate exposures.
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I also find the F-1N's aperture-priority mode to be pretty useless, except when I want to use it with a Speedlite 199A and power winder to get auto flash.


And why is it that you can only get shutter-priority with a motor drive/power winder attached?

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Thanks to all who responded. I've read the instructions, and there is no mention of holding an AE meter reading, recomposing and shooting. Strange..the F3 has this feature, as do other pro-level manual bodies with AE...and what's the deal with no MLU?


I wonder if either the power winder or motor provides this feature, since they both seem to have a separate shutter release in the grip area.

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Neither the motor drive nor the winder allow you to hold your AE metering.


With motor or winder you add the possibility of shutter priority exposure, you keep the possibility of aperture priority.


That the F1 doesn't let you hold exposures is a great pity.


I've been shooting with the New F1 for five years, and recently bought a T90. This miraculous machine allows yo to hold metering in spot metering mode by pushing the release button halfway, which is absolutely great. It even averages up to 8 spot meterings in difficult situations. Since I have the T90, I hardly use the F1 any more.

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