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EOS 10D with Hitachi 8 GB Microdrive

fernando lopez

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I'm about to buy a Hitachi 8 GB Microdrive on e-Bay. There's one

concern however: I heard that these high capacity microdrives

sometimes have corrupted file numbering with some cameras. I.e.: the

camera will tell you that there are a number of pictures left, when

in reality, you have much more shots left, but the camera doesn't

indicate that. Can anyone shed some light here? I'm especially

interested in users that have a 10D and use a high capacity


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My main concern with such a large microdrive would be the fact that you have all your eggs in one basket. If you are on a long trip and this drive fails, it would be a catastrophic loss of data. Why don't you consider getting two 4 GB microdrives instead? Thats what I use.
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the 10D can only show 999 pictures left, so untill thats the case, it shows 999, but who cares, its only interesting when you are running low.


File numbering is ok though.


I get around 1400 pictures best quality jpg on a 4gb microdisk


poul B-H

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Just a note: MD's are a somewhat volotile media in that they contain moving parts. However, correctly handled they have the potential to be jsut as reliable as ANY Cf card. The other upside of a MD (Hitachi is by far the best IMO) is that if you have a faliure, the data can be recovered from a MD, it cannot be recovered from a failed CF card.


I generally use CF cards having said that. :-0

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Thanks to all of you. I'll be doing a 10 day shoot in China soon and just didn't want to carry around an electronics store....... (storage media, like dvd writers, harddrives etc.). When in China i have the possibility to empty my storage cards every 2 days so that would not be a problem. I guess I'll be looking for normal CF card then.
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