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Shooting in HID lights at trade show

J.W. Wall

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According to the venue I'm shooting next week, "[The] lighting is

multi-type. Each Exhibition Hall utilizes two swichable banks of

H.I.D. lamps and several quartz lights, which are dimmable."


As I understand it, these can be treated as daylight for purposes of

shooting booths with a Canon 10D and 550EX for fill flash. Correct?

Thanks for any responses to this and for the responses to the previous

general question.

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So, there are going to be 2 different sources with different colour temperatures, and if the quartz lights are dimmed then there may be more than 2. Then there will be lighting inside the exhibition booths, probably a different colour again, and maybe some daylight too, just for good measure - oh yes, and you want to use a hotshoe flash to provide fill, probably not a good idea because it will reflect off of shiny surfaces.


My suggestion is to forget about a flash, take a tripod instead and shoot in raw, making colour corrections later. Long-ish exposures can create movement blur, which can be good.


Or, if quality is unimportant to you, use a higher ISO and shoot handheld with auto white balance.

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