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OT: Quick question for Yakim and Manfrotto 682B


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I read in a recent post that you have the Manfrotto 682B monopod. This

is a very interesting monopod you have! Which head do you use with it?

Also, does it need level ground to stand properly or will the legs

allow for small inclines/slightly rougher terrain?


I've got a EOS 30 with a 28/1.8 and a Tamron 90 macro so the weight

should not be a problem. I am also looking into buying a 200/2.8 which

I believe you have, did you manage to mount the EOS30+200 on it

with/without the colar?


Thanks for the info!



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Hi Panos,


Head: My first head was the 3-way 3437 but then I decided for a ball head. I went for the 322RC2. I like the handle control much better and also like the idea that the center of gravity of the whole complex stays close to the monopod itself, thereby adding to stability. It is also reasonably priced.


Accessories: The most convenient way I figured of using it is to grab the handle with my left hand, keep right hand on the camera and shutter release and move it freely.

One small thing: If you want to put the camera on vertical it's possible with no problems. However, if you want to put the camera on vertical and then to tilt it up or down you need to move it to the handle's edge, thus using it like the original 3265. This involves unscrewing the two screws which hold the base and then screwing them to the other location. Inconvenient to say the least.

Another option is to buy the 322RA accessory. It is an additional plate and you attach it permanently to the handle's edge. Thus the move is simple and fast. I bought one and am - again - very happy with it.


Legs: They have a fixed length so on anything which is not flat is problematic. You can move it a little sideways but on such occasions, you will not be able to leave it be.


200/2.8: I have it and indeed, never felt the need for a tripod collar as it is light and short.


300/4 IS: For the fun of it (i.e. curiosity) I once mounted my 300/4 IS (my heaviest lens) on my camera, attached the camera! to the 322RC2 and then tilted it to vertical position. Amazingly, it stood fine! ! ! Naturally, for normal shooting I used the lens' tripod collar.


Carrying: Shortly after buying it I went to a arm's shop and bought a 7$ strap which is attached via nylon cords (extremely strong, extremely cheap, about 10 minutes work). I carry it over my shoulder like a rifle and it's very convenient.


Caution: Do not EVER forget that it is NOT a tripod. Even the flimsiest tripod will be more stable than this monopod. However, if you already considered a tripod and ruled it out as not appropriate for your shooting style, I think that this monopod is the most useful of them all.


Summary: I recommend all wholeheartedly. I - personally - have no intention of replacing it with any other monopod or a tripod because it fits my shooting style perfectly.




Happy shooting,


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