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EOS 1DS or 5D?


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Hi everybody! I have been offered a 1DS at a very good price (about

2500 Euro). Now everybody is expecting the 5D (i am, too, because I

do not like the crop and dim viewfinder of my 20D). Will the 1DS

still meet the quality of picture that a 5D can deliver? I'm not a

pro, more an experienced amateur photographer. My preferred subjects

are portrait, landscape, architecture and close-ups. My lenses are

17-40, 24TS-E, 24-70L, 50/1,4, 70-200L (and a near-complete set of

Zeiss/Contax lenses from 16 to 300mm with EOS adapter).


Any proposals highly appreciated because the offer is ending soon. :-


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The 1Ds is a great camera. Practically speaking - for most situations - I would think that

the image quality is equivalent. The 5D may have lower noise at high ISOs - but if you

don't go there that's not important.


Looking at specs on DP Review -

<a href="http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos1ds/page2.asp">the 1Ds</a> may

have better autofocus (I think it's brilliant) than

<a href="http://www.dpreview.com/articles/canoneos5d/page2.asp">the 5D</a>.


You will come down to the size and weight issue - the 1Ds is like a boat anchor:-)

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There is no question that the 5D will have lower noise at all ISOs - take a look at the comparative chart here:




(about 2/3rds down the page). The 5D should perform something like the 1D Mk II - maybe slightly better. For the kind of work you do, you might have a small AF advantage will the 1Ds for portraits because the 45 points are much more spread out than the pattern on the 5D. If you are in the habit of shooting in bad weather you'd also get the advantage of weather sealing with some lenses with the 1Ds. You might find the C setting handy on the 5D if you set several custom functions differently for particular work - it's a handy way of being able to invoke MLU quickly without getting lost in the CF menu, for instance. (I think Canon should actually have offered a second C setting rather than a dedicated Bulb position on the command dial).


The one imponderable is how the 5D will perform with wide angle lenses in comparison with the 1Ds - there really isn't the evidence to say either way at this point. This seems to be a problem with Canon's FF DSLRs to date - although Zeiss glass offers the best solution to it, by all accounts.

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Obviously comparing a known camera to an unreleased and unreviewed camera is guess work. I assume that the 5D will have better low light characteristics (ie, less noisy when shot at 800-3200). Indeed the 1Ds only goes to ISO 1250 if memory serves correctly.


I do a lot of handheld urban architecture photography and find that my 1DsII is not too heavy to walk with but a) I use the hand strap a lot and b) I don't ever carry more than 2 lenses and usually just 1. It isn't light by any means. The 5D trims a pound or so off that weight. Another question which may affect your decision is battery time. I don't know about the 5d battery but the 1Ds I remember not being nearly as good as the 1DsII. dpreview may have some details on that.

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Assuming the 5D has the exact same sensor technology as the 1D2 you can further assume the ISO noise on the 5D will be as good and likely better than the 1D2. I would not spend all of that money on an old camera (1Ds) -- the 5D would be a much better investment and tool. Easy choice.
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>> All I have to do now is to arm-wrestle with my beloved wife.



I would not do that if I were in your shoes. You have no chance of winning as they don't fight fair. They bite, scratch you with nails, spit, call you names and if all that won't work and you win, they will use the ultimate weapon: They will tell all their friends (in utmost secrecy of course) that you are useless without Viagra.... :-)


I suggest flowers, wine, a romantic dinner with candle lights, washing the dishes, walking the dog and take out the garbage for at least a month.... :-)


Happy shooting,


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