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Heat Damage


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Recently I left my Canon EOS Elan 7e and my 75-300mm USM lens in my

camera bag in the trunk of my car in the sun until about noon. When

I opened the trunk it wasn't scorching hot but it was hot. I

brought the camera bag inside and when I opened it I could feel the

heat. I picked up the lens and it was hot but like I said it wasn't

scorching, same with the body. On a temperature scale of 1 to 10 I

would say when I picked up the equiptment it felt like a 6 or 7.

Does anyone think that it could of been damaged? I mean it is a

canon and canons, especialy the higher end EOS series are made to

withstand the extreme elements, correct? I was told that if you

leave your lenses in direct sunlight, (and this wasn't direct

sunlight on the camera bag), the glue inside the lenses starts to

melt and damages the lenses. But a pawnshop guy told me this, so

odds are he didn't know what he was talking about. Should I be

concerned? What heat damage would occur, and what would the symtoms

be? Should I take my equiptment into Canon and get them to look

over it or should I save my money? Thank you very much.


Christian H. Hunter

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I think that if you were able to hold it in the hand without getting burned then not much would have happend to it really. If the plastics and lubricants in the car itself survived the heat I don't see why the stuff the lens is made of won't survive as well.



One can get paranoid about it but if it still works and takes pictures as well as before then it means it's not a problem.

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I have had dozens of Both film and Digital cameras that have spent many hours every day in a car here in Phoenix. The inside temps get to over a 140 degrees. I have only had a problem once, with Canon or Nikon cameras or lenses. The problem was the rubber on the outside of the first Nikon Digital cameras was not glued on very well, and would come loose. Many times my cameras are so hot I have to wait for them to cool down to use them . I have never heard of any problems with any of the other staff photographers here eather.I would not worry about the camera.
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