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Quantum Turbo Problem


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In December I purchased a Quantum Turbo power supply. It was

intended to power my Nikon SB800 flash and my Nikon D100. I do

weddings and other social events and I was tired of running out of

batteries at important moments. I spent about $600.00 total to help

solve my power needs. Well, the power supply is only lasting about

an hour before it stops powering flash. It powers the camera,

although the data on the LCD info screen starts to flash. I have

followed all of the instructions (making sure it is properly charged,

but not overcharged, etc). This couldn't be how this was intended to

work. As it is, I am no better off than when I use batteries. In

fact, I'm worse off, because my expectation was that I would be able

to shoot an entire day using this power supply. Can someone please

tell me if my expectations were wrong or perhaps there is something I

can do to fix this?




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Which Turbo model did you purchase? What do the status lights on the Turbo indicate? You should have more shots than Roy Roger's six-shooter. Seriously, you should get hundreds of full-power pops and 4 to 6 hours of operation time or more.


Since the SB800 is flashing, the problem is probably in the flash itself. My best guess is that the internal batteries are weak. They are needed to power the flash logic and display - the Turbo only provides high-voltage.


If the Turbo goes dead, the SB800 will continue as before, only using the internal batteries. The display will not flash nor give you any indication. The status lights on the Turbo will go out, or the first light will flash (or go red).


If this happens prematurely in a Turbo or Turbo Z, execute the reconditioning cycle. In a Turbo 2*2, retrain the status circuits by charging for the full 3 hours, disregarding the charge indicator.


If you accidently unplug a 2*2 from the flash, the HV circuit shuts down, but the status lights remain on. Power the 2*2 off and on again to restore operation. In the Turbo and Turbo Z, the status lights go off when unplugged.

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Thank you Edward. I have the Turbo 2x2. What you described is exactly what happened. The display on the flash went off completely and the first LED light on the Turbo went out. I had this problem back in May and I tried recharging for 72 hours. I had the same problem again. I can't say for sure that I had fresh batteries in the flash, so I will try again and this time I'll be sure to load fresh batteries in the flash. Thanks again!
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