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Satin Snow Ground Glass


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FYI, a note from Dave Parker at Satin Snow that was posted earlier

today at another LF site:




I am starting to get quite a bit of inquiries from out international

customers, due to delivery times on international orders.


Please let me apprise you, of our situation, currently, I am

embroiled in hearing review for our shipments to international

destinations, I have been required to file a export permit

application, due to our volume of international shipments and have to

attend another hearing on July 5th, to determine if we qualify to

export the volumes we are currently running, after wading through the

quagmire of export laws, I am almost ready to throw in the towel and

become a domestic shipper only, as the permit to export the volume we

do, requires a very expensive permit to continue exporting our



This has also caused delays in our domestic shipments a bit, as many

of you know, due to the time I have to spend fullfilling requirements



Please accept my sincere and BIG sorry for the delays, we are working

as hard as we possibly can to get these situations taken care of, if

you have a friend that has ordered screens from us, please let them

know, they will get their screens as soon as I can possibly get them



Thanks again, for everyones support, you have made us the number one

selling product in our market, and this seems to be one of the

growing pains we are going to have to go through.


Dave Parker


Satin Snow Ground Glass

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So much for the global market. Everything is in place for anyone who makes a good product, anywhere on the Earth, to sell globally -- except governments permitting export of such controversial and security-sensitive products as ground glass...
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Do you have any idea how much damage a 4x5" ground glass can cause, when whipped with the proper wrist action?! And don't get me started on 5x7". Think of the damage to the Middle Eastern peace process if the intifida get their hands on some 8x10" Satin Snow!<p>

8-) Amazing.

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I've worked for high tech optical and instrument companies for years, and have never heard of such nonsense. Somebody has the product in the wrong catagory, or is following some regulation that shouldn't be applied. Or is this not in the US? There are no "very expensive permits" needed here for volume shipments. You can get into trouble with certain types of electronics, multi-axis machining tools, and hazardous materials, but glass, etched, ground, or otherwise, shouldn't be a problem.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everybody,


I fully agree it is nonsense and we are dealing with hick town customs agents, we have hired a lawyer, and are working on getting this mass fixed, and yes, it comes down to a wrong classification of our ground glass, believe you me, there is no one that is more angered by the stupid people who classified our product incorrectly.


I hope to have everything straightened our this comming week.


Dave Parker

Satin Snow Ground Glass

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