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Velvia 50 in 120 Format - Out of Stock at B&H


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Just checked B&H's website and noticed that the Velvia 50 120 format

(import) is "out of stock". I wonder if they are going to get any

new stock this years, given the fact that Fuji already stopped

production of it.


Meanwhile, the price for Velvia 100 has dropped to $4.59 per roll

from $5.50 (the price one month ago). Good sign. However, it's

still $1.20 more per roll than the Velvia 50 (import).


I already stocked 60 rolls of Velvia 50 in my freezer. Do I need to

get more Velvia 50 (USA version - $3.99 per roll) before it


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Buy the new 100. I tested both the old and the new rolls together using the same aperture on the same lens type. To me the two films look very close to each other. The only difference is the 100 scans with a magenta cast that has to be tuned out. Saturation was about the same.
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  • 1 month later...

I've stocked up as well, with a bunch of pro packs of 220 Velvia 50 now in the freezer. I tried the new Velvia 100 on a recent trip. While it is sharper and seems more contrasty, it has a distinct magenta cast. I took identical scenes with both Velvia 50 and Velvia 100, and the difference is significant to my eyes.


I heard that Velvia 50 had a magenta cast in the beginning, and Fuji tweaked the emulsion. I hope Fuji does the same with Velvia 100. I've emailed the company re this, with no response so far.


- Andy King

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just ordered film, I by passed Velvia 50 in 120. There are a few threads here concerning it shifting to magenta. However, it excells, IMHO on stone.


I like the idea of the containers, but I'd leave the film in the foil and stuff it into the container. I think their only practical use would be if you, like me, travel and are unable to get roll film processed localy for a few months. The containers would be nice for fridge storage of exposed film.


The metal ones at 15 bucks a pop are way to expensive, but they mention that with a bulk order, custom engraving is available, something like "Specialized High Speed Film-Do Not X-Ray" engraved on them would be kinda cool, but I'm sure ignored at London-Heathrow.


Regarding Velvia 100, another poster I saw today, mentioned it also shifts to magenta. I had some 9x12s printed from a MF camera at a "Pro" lab. I asked the technician (a guy with a BS in Photography)which he liked better, showing prints done on 100VS and Velvia 50. Everyone he picked out was shot on 100VS, when I showed him the chromes, he was extremely surprised as Velvia was one of his fav films. The magenta shift has lost my interest in using Velvia again, except, when there is no blue in the photo, and the a lot of very interesting detail in stone carvings.


Let us know how you like the 100, I just may give it a shot (pun intended).



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