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Some Thoughts About PN and Today's Experiment.


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Hey there.<BR>

I'm kbreak and I have a little experience with owning and moderating

forums... enough that I don't care to do either at the moment!<BR><BR>


It was certainly interesting to watch today's opera play out... is it

finished? I dunno.<BR><BR>


I would like to make a couple points.<BR><BR>


1. As far as I can tell, PN is privately owned; the owners can pretty

much do as they please with it. If they irritate enough members, then

they lose membership and advertising, etc. etc.<BR><BR>


2. One poster was upset and said that the internet and free speech

and this is MY post and copyright and so on.<BR>

Let's not forget that the reason we come here is for the photography

content and community, neither of which was altered by the (d*mned)

popups. I'd be much more concerned if the content and so on were

directly effected. While I'm distracted and so on by interstitials,

if I have to ask "how come my wiznit does such and so?" I can depend

on someone somewhere answering it for me... even though so many seem

to refuse to use Google.<BR><BR>


3. If and when you get distracted and go off about lawyers and rights

and blah blah BLAH, you are no longer talking about photography or

related topics. btw, did you? Isn't it interesting how asserting

rights makes people so ANGRY? <BR> dayum.<BR><BR>

3A. The content itself was NOT affected. thank God.<BR><BR>


4. Nothing on the internet is permanent. Experiments are tried out

all the time, and naturally most of them don't work.




5. I'm glad they seem to have left. I don't subscribe (yet)and I

purposely don't use much bandwidth so I don't feel I have a "right" to



6. The internet may be "free" and have "freedom of speech" but

individual sites DO NOT. The owners of PN can come and go and do as

they please, it's THEIR SANDBOX.<BR><BR>


6A. You are more than welcome to go elsewhere and say whatever you

like within the bounds of US law, if you are in the US.<BR><BR>


look I've done a lot of the stuff they do here, including deleting

posts and even entire threads; I've seen that happen to me on

unrelated matters here. <BR>

Do I have my panties in a wad? nerp.<BR><BR>


I was sitting here thinking... "I hope this popup thing goes away, if

it's still here in a few days I may become irked".<BR><BR>


People are so fast and furious to respond about something that... they

don't actually own... take a chillpill man, it's only bits and bytes.


I pulled a few experiments in my time that absoFSCKINGlutley didn't

work out, and I moved on, as have the movers and shakers at PN.



PN is a trub0 wonderful photography website that I visit everyday and

would continue to do so as long as I got the information that I need

to create my art and make money from it.<BR>



are you using windows? Has Bill ever screwed the pooch? and if

you're not, you're looking at information that *came to you via

Windoze...<BR><BR>Lookit the big picture; one of these days this

"Brian" guy et. al. might hit on something that makes you very



a little patience as PN grows, might result in wunnerful, wunnderful





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Kevin Break wrote:


"LAST POINT. PN is a trub0 wonderful photography website that I visit everyday and would continue to do so as long as I got the information that I need to create my art and make money from it."


If your above statement is true, don't you think it's time to pony up and pay your $25 membership dues?!


If more folks paid up, we probably wouldn't have to suffer through the really obnoxious web ads......


Kind of the height of hypocrisy to blast others for speaking their mind, when you're using the site "everyday" and not paying up......

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Yeah, well, my first thought after paying $25 for a third year was - I needn't have bothered, the ads can support the site instead. But now they've stopped, so all is well.


My second thought was that if this was a trial-run, a little note of advance warning would have generated some polite, quality feedback.


Keeping my third thought to myself, though it included the phrase "pointy haired".

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