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Annual portrait packages

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Somewhere along the line, I read something somewhere about someone doing an annual

portrait package for families and children. It might have been here, it might have been in a

book, or it might have been at some other website.


I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill school type round em up, run em through, but

actual Capital P Portrait portraits. If I recall correctly, the someone in question offered

some discount for these annual bookings because a customer you have now doesn't cost

as much as one you have to find. Or something like that. But I can't find where I read that



I've been tossing around the idea of implementing something like this (for the, you know,

one customer a year that I get), but was looking for people who might already be doing

something to encourage repeat customers: find out how it's working, what sort of discount

or incentives you're giving to encourage people to sign up for an annual portrail

session...that sort of thing. I know about the whole seven ages of childhood thing; now I

am just looking for ways that people use to encourage repeat customers. I live in a place

with a tiny market of mostly photographically ignorant people and need to find ways to

maximize opportunities and educate customers that it's okay to get your picture taken

more than once a decade.


Anyone doing anything like this, or was I just imagining it?

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I offer a sitting fee along the lines of something (I think what you are talking about) I shoot pets, and I offer 3 shoots in one year for a discounted rate. check out the website www.petpaparazzistudio.com . The purpose of this in my applications is that a client who has just gotten a puppy would purchase this sitting so that we do 3 shoots over the first year. The photos would show the rapid growth of the puppy stages. For people applications your target family would be ones with newborns OR expectant mothers. An example package could be the following: The first shoot may be the expectant mother in the 8th or 9th month the next shoot would be the newborn the last shoot would be 7 months later. I hope this is along the lines of what you are talking about!!





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