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recovery of deleted files

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Help! I have a Mac PowerBook G4. I accidentally trashed and emptied a

files of photos (bridal portrait). All the websites say I can recover

(if I'm lucky). I've tried the Data Rescue software with perplexing

results. I will take my computer to the Apple Store later. Anybody

have a similar experience?

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I suspect just about everyone has done this. My advice is to NOT use the computer for anything until you have someone see if the files are still intact on the drive and fully recoverable. Having deleted the data for whatever reason, your computer will now feel free to overwrite the data fields.


This gets worser and worser as the amount of free space decreases-- SO DON'T WRITE ANYTHING TO THE DRIVE! FYI-- "Virtual memory" is a real danger here. Thus don't use it for anything.

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