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Hasselblad + Square; Impressive travel photos!


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Alex you have produced some absolutely beautiful work! Congratulations. Your site is superb and you have evry reason to be proud of it and your skills. I'm a big fan od square travel images and your work proves it so well.


I'd only suggest you use smaller file sizes to make it easier for visitors to use.


Re comments about Hasselblad as a travel camera; I totally agree it is great as Alex's work shows so well. I'd add that my 3 favourite travel cameras are my Hassy 6x6, My Leica M7 and my Hassy XPan. When superb detail is important just like in many of Alex's images, a Hassy 500 camera and winder with a prism finder is a wonderful tool.


When convenience and size / weight are paramount a Leica M is perfect. Whether I take my 503CW or M7, I always pack the Xpan.

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I agree that in the Cuban series the captions come off as very condescending. There are a few captions where the English translation is muddy, so I am hoping that his original intent of the caption simply got lost in the translation.


...And I have been to Cuba - however I was on the other side of the fence because I was stationed there for two years in Guantanamo Bay. I have also been to several former Soviet republics. I found it hard to believe that the photographer (Russian / former Soviet) was being so condescending. Maybe he hasn't noticed the conditions where he lives. There isn't much difference other than Cuba has better weather. Cuba's current situation is BECAUSE of the former Soviet Union. That's why Cuba now looks and operates like every other bankrupt former Soviet satellite.


He didn't have to travel the world to see misery.


Thus endeth the sermon, but we all have to put the people and scenes we capture into context or else we fall into the trap of seeing everyone as a 'subject' for our photos and forget they are real people with real lives and dreams.


-Back on topic... His photos are outstanding to say the least.

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