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B&G don't show affection


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Has anyone ever encountered a B&G who showed absolutley no affection for

one another? I recently shot a wedding at an LDS Temple (beautiful

landscaping, building and day) in Utah. Throughout the shoot, I was

constantly telling the B&G to get closer, to hold hands, to at least

acknowledge each other. They only stood next to each other because I

'demanded' it. They refused to do any of the fun poses, and they said they

were done after less than an hour. The "reception" (if you really want to call it

that), was the same.

Each time I asked them to to do anything, they rolled their eyes and acted as if

I was just a nuisance. As far as I know, I didn't do or say anything offensive or

even slightly unprofessional.

Why would someone pay me $1000 to NOT want pictures taken??

What is gonna happen when I give them a proof site full of pictures of

crotchity, irritable people? After almost 100 weddings, this is a first for


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I shoot Orthodox Jewish weddings where the young couple will not have had any physical contact before the wedding. Although shyly in love with each other they will often not touch in public, especially for the photos. I deal with this almost every wedding. Some are more open, especially those who had cheated on the touching thing during the engagement ;-)


You get used to posing them so that they look close...<div>00D6px-25015584.jpg.393d298eee729a6b586baaa6dbf58684.jpg</div>

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Oh my gosh. LDS marriages are not arranged, nor have they ever been. I don't know why they would've acted this way except that maybe they were a little embarrassed or something. Who knows? Please leave all the 'myths' about Mormons out of this one. For all we know they could've been in a huge fight before the ceremony. Stranger things have happened.
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Colleen, I appoligies if I offended as you say myths abound If I am incorrect I am sorry no offence was intended. Alot of cultures and peoples from around the world have had arranged marriges or still do. It seems this is NOT the case with the LDS church. Weather right or wrong I was not passing judgment on it. And your right it is very possible they had a fight before hand family pressures can easily do that.
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Steve, I just looked at your website and you take wonderful pictures!!! Love the one of the bride and groom outside in the snow. I had a couple a few weeks ago that were kind of stand offish to each other. I had to convince them to act like they liked eachother and I later found out that their moms had a huge fight the night before and it had soon turned into a family brawl. So, who knows. Give them what you took and be done with it. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they were upset about their wedding pictures because the photographer forced them to kiss!!! It'll be okay.
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and they said they were done after less than an hour...... How long were you shooting them? They may not have been very affectionate but after 5-10 minutes of not warming up to you or the camera suggests that there was some problems with communication and expectations between you & them......go with the flow. Them not wanting to do the "fun" shots was likely an indication of what they didn't want. Perhaps moments before you began the shoot the couple had words and had just returned to the party for appearances. I always try to recruit the Best Man & Maid of Honor as an unofficial laizon, sometimes they'll be able to tell you the behind the scenes stuff. What was the couple like "Off Camera"....long lens stalking. Actually "Long lens stalking" is my Native American name......just teasing.
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I have run across some couples that only want the basic storytelling shots and not what they consider corny, overly dramatic, or romantic shots. They want the posed (not stiff), smiling at the camera shot, family shots and the ones that document the events, but not much else. Can't say as I blame them. I wouldn't want a lot of "stuff" either, and I'm a wedding photographer.
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LDS: "Latter Day Saints." Full name: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Often called "Mormons," at least by non-Mormons.


It's just another belief system, no less complex than any in the world.


I've known several Mormons and haven't heard anyone mention arranged marriages. Not that the subject has come up. However it's typical for powerful or wealthy families of any culture or belief system to at least place some pressure upon their children regarding their choices of prospective marriage partners. There might be a few Mormon families who have engaged in this familiar pursuit but not all Mormons are wealthy and powerful. In fact, I haven't personally met any who are. They all just seem like ordinary folks to me.


Also, the Mormons I've known were pretty friendly, chummy and smiley folks. I can't imagine that glum weddings are a tradition with them.


I photographed my niece's wedding rehearsal last night. She and her to-be weren't terribly smiley. They're nervous and exhausted. I got some pretty funny photos of them looking like trapped rats, tho'. But I won't show 'em 'til after the wedding.

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Nadine: "I have run across some couples that only want the basic storytelling

shots and not what they consider corny, overly dramatic, or romantic

shots"....."Can't say as I blame them."



-This couple didn't want to stand next to each other in any shot..........not

smooching, not corny stuff, not some offensive public display.....just stand next

to each other. And, by the way, I probably should'nt have mentioned that it

was LDS. I didn't mean to suggest anything by it. I work with hundreds of

'Mormons' in Idaho and they have always been nice, polite and reserved

people. (except the B&G from said wedding)

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