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Anyone used Dwayne's non-Kodachrome services?

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Dwayne's has REALLY good prices on 120/220 C41 processing and

proofing. Anyone used them? Thoughts?


I'll also call them and ask about 6x9 and post the answer here--their

price list doesn't seem to include a 6x9 price. I know a lot of people

can't machine print that format.

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  • 3 months later...

They developed about 30 rolls of film for me.








1. Black and white:

-A roll of Ilford delta 100 was destroyed (contax 645)(Initially I thought that there was something wrong with the camera. I developed the second roll of film by myself and proved that I was wrong. The camera was absolutely fine)

-I received nice gray pictures from Agfapan 100 35mm (leica CM)

-They do not put b/w negatives in protective sleeves


2. Color:


MF (Reala, UC100, Agfa portrait 160) (Contax 645),

-Poor colors, brigtness and contrast

-The last frame is frequently destroyed


-Scratches on the film (frequently)


35mm(Contax TVSIII, and Olympus OM4t)

I was lucky once. The second time I was out of luck (same problems as MF)


I hope that I'm an exception, but I'm not willing to experiment any more.

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