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need digital advice-

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I need help with getting a digital camera. I use medium format film

cameras alot but need a simple digital as a walk around camera for

those times I do not want a backpack full of gear or a tripod with



Ideally it would be a model that has these traits-

28mm on the wide end or as wide as they can get, and I do not care

about the long end.

For the most part it will be for compositional purposes for film

shoots, family snaps, and if I run across a great scene be able to

make a 12x18" print. Ap Priority and a fast shutter lag would be

nice too.


Can a point and shoot do that? What comes close? How many mp would

you need? I have done 8x10 form a 4mp but did not like bigger. Or

is it best to go for an entry level dslr? The more interesting

models seem to cost almost as much as a dslr. Can a $300 camera do




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Well, I have a nikon coolpix 5400 that I bought 3 years ago for $800 u.s. Today that

camera can be had with rebates for $300, if you can still find one. It's 5mp, will fit in

a coat or cargo pant pocket, 28mm equiv., has RAW with a firmware upgrade, shutter

lag is short but shot to shot times are not that great, has tilt-swivel lcd, 12 x 18

would be really pushing it. I have made 8 1/2 x 11 prints that I think are very good. I

have since upgraded to a D70, which is of course vastly superior, vastly bigger, and

vastly more expensive.


Good luck.

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I've just conducted extensive personal research into the same question you ask.


Olympus C-7070. $379.


Outstanding camera to shoot with and the images are fantastic!


My other camera system is Nikon AF with D100 and N90s. I've shot extensively with Leica

M and Mamiya 7 as well.

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IMO, your best bet getting 12x18 prints (based on MP count alone) is at 6MP and higher. Yes, I know others will say they can get 12x18 and larger from their 4MP cameras, but 6MP would still yield a higher percentage of 12x18 candidates.


If you go to dpreview.com (like I just did), select "BUYING GUIDE" the "FEATURES SEARCH" and select the criteria: compact, <28mm, and 7MP (6MP yields no results), the search will return 2 cameras:


Canon S70 and Olympus C-7070. From what I've heard/read, you cannot go wrong with either camera. The Canon is obviously more compact.

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