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35 GL slowest shutter speed?


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Hello guys


This is actually my first post. Just bought a Minox 35 GL from a

camera repairer (he said that the shutter has been repaired by him

and he gives me a 12 month warranty :) Wow, it's very different the

Canon SLRs I am used to. That 'click' to me doesnt really indicate

photo taking ...


One question, I read on the specification sheet here that the

shutter speed of this camera go as slow as 1 sec. But when i look

through the viewfinder it only indicates 1/30 as the slowest shutter

speed. What does that mean?


(having fun guessing my focus)


Thanks guys



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Below 1/30th you do need a steady hand ;-), but you will find that you can hand-hold your Minox to much lower speeds than your SLR.


If it is like my 35GT, it will go quite a bit slower than 1 second. If Martin Tai is around, he should be able to tell you the longest shutter speed, but I'd guess from mine it's around 15s. It is a great camera for night scenes



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Thanks people


I've put 4 rolls of film through it already, from these experience, I could feel that the 35GL goes slower than 1s (as I said, 1s is the slowest on the spec sheet)


The pics are quite good, sharp and saturated.


It was a good purchase

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Zane


Well, here is a way to test your minox

Put the Asa DIal on 25 ASA

then mask the cell, it's at 9 o'clock when you look at the lens. A hand should do.


Put your Rolex down next to the camera.

Cock the shutter and relase.


To me, it's at least 30 seconds, I mean the longest time.


Don't touch the rewind lever until the full cycle is done, when the shutter is closed again. Correct?


With the minox, in Brugge, Belgium, I have done nice pix by putting the camera on a bridge and let it take the pix. In fact, take a pix and then take a pix with the setting X2. Choose later the best.


The recipocicate effect, SChwarzchild's effect, me think. Look for that. Enjoy and share back here, of course!


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  • 5 weeks later...

I purchased a new Minox GL in 1981 and have used it for many years. It takes great pictures. It's easy to use and never stays at home.


When the pointer drops into the "lined" area below 1/30th of a second you could get blury pictures. I suggest placeing the camera on a flat surface and gently touching the shutter release.


This amazing camera can auto expose UP TO 30 SECONDS! I've taken pictures in Grand Central Station with this long expouse.


With the limited controls, I have rarely taken an out of focus or incorrectly exposed picture with the Mixox GL.


Enjoy this gem of a photographic tool.



(Oh..now I'm totaly digital, Nikon D70 and Sony P200 for the pocket.)

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