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Supplemental lens hood for 15mm fisheye


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In the interest of flare reduction, I'm looking for a good solution

for extending the minimal lens hood built into the canon 15mm fisheye.

It seems a shame not to take further advantage of the crop factor

using an APS-c sensor. Has anyone come up with a more elegant

solution than my sliced up rubber slip on hood?

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<i>>>In the interest of flare reduction,<<</i>


I used my 15mm with a 10D and now I use with a 5D. Flare was never a problem. Can you post some samples? Maybe something else is at play...


<a href=http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=489581>This folder</a> was shot with the 15mm/10D combo (except for 2 shots done with the 24-70L)

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