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Batteries for Flash


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I have a Sigma flash that's a clone for the Canon speedlight. It

calls for AA batteries and most people I've read recommend NiMH

batteries. Are all NiMH batteries created equal? I paid $20 for 4 of

them at Radio Shcak and notice that Amazon has the Lexmar version

for $24 for a box of 24 batteries.

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<p>They're not all equal. They have ratings in mAh (milliamp-hours). The higher the rating, the more energy you can store in them (so you'll get more flashes per charge).</p>


<p>I wouldn't be surprised if you could find better deals than at Radio Shack, but $1 each for NiMH AAs sounds too good to be true.</p>

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I'd recommend NiCDs over NiMHs for this one appllication. NiCDs have a considerably

higher maximum current, and can thus charge a flash faster. Also, NiMHs give nowhere

near their rated capacity when used in extreme current applications like a flash, so the

capacity gap isn't nearly as big as the specs would make you think.


A decent charger probably makes more difference in the performance of your rechargables

than brand differences.

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<i>They're not all equal. They have ratings in mAh (milliamp-hours). The higher the

rating, the more energy you can store in them (so you'll get more flashes per charge).


The higher the rating the more fragile they are internally as well, and thus more likely to

fail permanently early in their life from the extreme current abuse a flash dishes out. High

capacity also generally means greater internal resistance, and thus lower max current


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I myself have a rather good charger (Ansmann) with single slot delta peak charging. I've been dissapointed by pricy branded battery packs when one cell died too early. Now I use nonames but sort defective ones out. NiCds aren't wrong; at least they last longer (- more cycles) and self discharge is less important than with NiMhs, as far as I remember.
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