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Budget walk around lens recommendation please


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Tokina 28-70 f/2.8 or Tamron 28-75 f/2.8

I've only seen 'test' pictures of these lens but need some real

world advise for these lens please.


It'll be use on a EOS 5/20D/300D, ultimatly of course I wanted the

28-70L but for the time being and as the subject line suggested,

budget is a BIG concern.


Please help me choose! or give me some pointers




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I prefer fast lenses for low light shooting and for controlling depth of field (particularly important for portraits). Besides, fast prime lenses are much cheaper than fast zoom lenses, particularly at 50mm. You might consider a 50/1.8 used lense (KEH.com is an excellent source) - just "zoom" with your feet. I move around all of the time when I shoot because I don't own a single zoom lens.


Good luck, and have fun with your kid.



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I got the 28-135 is lens I like it for it's flexibility. the 50mm is good too (fixed zoom though). I have a 50mm for my old manual canon but don't use it much,, I usually use a 90mm lens on it.


one emay right now there is an EOS 3 stuck to a 24-70mm L lens going for a very cheap price.. I question how good it it because when you write the people to ask the condition they immediately reply with perfect, but they still haven't replied on what their return policy is.

item # 7530672359

anyway it is about 700 now ,, but it won't stay that cheap i am sure.

(I just thought I would enter some useless stuff)


good luck.

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On your digital camera you should factor in the 1.6x cropping factor. Most street photogs from the old Leica era on till today have found that a 35mm lens and a 90mm lens covered a lot of situations on the street.

In order to get 35mm you should look more for a lens with 24mm at the wide end and the long end from 60-70mm, this will come out to at least 90mm but not much past 105mm. I can't reccomend Canon since I don't know there lineup but I am sure they have at least one choice to fit these reccomendations. If not I think I saw someone with a 24-60mm F2.8 I forgot who it was. I don't agree with covering 135mm in the same lens since usually to make the lens compact and light they make a slower lens than the pro standard of fixed F2.8. I would rather have a second longer lens that is F2.8 or faster prime. I have a 70-200mm zoom and mostly either use one of the extremes. If I had to do it again I would have gotten an 180mm prime which would have been sharper and lighter.

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