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It never rains but........

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I've just received a Miniature Speed Graphic off *bay. It it SOOOO

cute! - but a problem - it is pouring with rain outside and I can't

try it out! In a brief break in the downpour I managed to take this

picture of next door neighbour's new car - I liked the pattern of the

water on the new/polished paintwork. Adox CHM50 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 sheet

film, developed in Econotol 2 - 1 sec at f22.<div>00G29V-29401284.jpg.7ea889a7ee9bd4089b9d0d80cd9181a7.jpg</div>

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Nick, I have a Miniature Speed Graphic, too. It's a great camera, with quite some "sex appeal". But since my rangefinder is kaput I have to use the groundglass for focusing, which means only tripod work. <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/4022250"><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/4022250-sm.jpg" border="2" align=right hspace="20"></a>When I first was using my MSG, it was raining all the time, too. The only street photography pictures I could take were shot under the protecting canopy of some buildings or at bus stops with slow speeds. Somehow the results captured the mood quite well.<p>

Have you considered getting an Adapt-a-Roll rollfilm back? I have two of them for the Graphic back of my camera. They're much more convenient and cost-effective than using sheet film.


<p align=right>Pan F plus 50 @ f/4.5 & 1/5 sec <tt>---></tt>


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Second the AAR 620 suggestion. 120 film is less expensive than 2x3 sheet and comes in more emulsions, including color. And the AAR 120 will, if used with care, give 9 shots/roll.


If, that is, your Mini has a spring (= Graphic) back. There was a proper retrofit Graflok back, with a sync connector at the upper LH corner), for the Mini. I've seen 'em. And the 2x3 Pacemaker Graflok back fits the Mini perfectly. I once bought a Mini with one. Your Mini might have either of those Grafloks.


Good luck, have fun,

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Yeah, it does, but it only goes to 4 feet and is not pretty accurate as the depth of field is not that big (I use mostly slow speed film and shoot wide open for best bokeh) critical focus for my photography (people, portraits) is only possible with groundglass focusing. I even glued a small paper strip with distances from infinity to one meter next the bed. I wish I could sync the lens to one of my flash guns so could really shoot Weegee-style!
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Bueh - If you want to attach a modern electronic flash to your mini you can do so provided your shutter has X synchronisation - if it doesn't you have to use the contacts at the rear of the camera, and these only work on the rear shutter and then only with flashbulbs, (unless you want to try open flash at T) the main problenm is a lead - either PAY to get one from Paramount Cords in Brooklyn NY, or make your own - I have read that the old style PC disc drive power connectors (5 1/4 floppy etc) can be cut down to fit at the shutter end, which is the main problem. Once you have sorted that, fit your flash onto a flash bar fitting into the tripod socket and off you go!! For an even more retro experience I have picked up an electronic flash with side clamp fitting that will just slip on, once I have reformed the capacitors, and once I have decided whether it is safe (at present it just drops the capacitor across rectified mains to charge it - which is a little dodgy with 40 year old kit, to say the least!!) If all else fails, mug some Star Wars junkie for their light sabre, convert it back into a Graphlex Flash, as nature intended, and mortgage your soul for some real flashbulbs! Have Fun! - Nick
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No, my shutter doesn't has X sync. I guess I need some kind of biprong/bipolar connector since the camera doesn't has a standard PC socket. I checked out Paramount, but the shipping cost for a simple flash cable is much too high for me to justify the expense. It would be just for fun to use the camera the old-style way, shooting at fun fairs or in <b><a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00C05A">night clubs</a></b> with slow shutter speeds or bulb.<p>

And I am not that skilled to build my own sync cable, although I'll try to remember to keep an eye out for those old floppy drives.

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