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Kowa 6 - Portraits in the Park

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Kowa 6, 85mm/f4 - APX100 at box, developed in Rodinal... 8ml

Rodinal/550ml H2O for 15 mins @ 68F, 2 inversions every 30 secs. Look

ok to me, but these are the first decent images from Rodinal, my

second attempt at using the soup.<p>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3555506-lg.jpg"><p>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3555511-lg.jpg"><p>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3555550-lg.jpg"><p>

Crop of above scan: 100% of original unsharpened, reduced to 100dpi:<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3555593-lg.jpg"><p>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3555700-lg.jpg"><p>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3555701-lg.jpg"><p>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3555830-lg.jpg"><p>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3556065-lg.jpg"><p>

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You've got some beauties there, Craig. My favorites are the profile of Krista. In the detail, you can hear the sharpness in that film and soup. The dual portraits of Krista and Austin are also excellent. Are you still traveling, or back home? That Kowa is a wow of a camera.


Keep snapping up life!

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Certainly can't find anything to criticize in those fine renderings in terms of sharpness and interesting tonalities. As a Rodinal enthusiast, though, I wonder how you came up with those proportions, times and temps for (new) APX 100? Doesn't that work out to 1:68.75? Seems pretty esoteric. Also, if you were doing a roll at a time, 558ml seems like a bit more than needed to cover the film, and certainly more than I could fit in my single reel tank. I'm not suggesting you change anything since you are obviously getting some very satisfying results, but I'm always curious how people arrive at the variety of mixes in chemistry, which always seems to me like something that should be simpler than it ends up being.
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Mike, Les... thanks.


Lester - we were only in NM for 3 days... no, 4. Had to get back to keep after job search, etc.


In other news, it appears I probably fractured, at bare minimum, one of the little bones along the top of my foot, OR I severely damaged one of the muscles, whatever. This happened on the 10th when my daylight tank flew out of my hand while trying to whip the water off it. As I have no insurance, I aint going to find out what exactly what busted - I can still support my weight on that foot, so it can't be too bad, but I'm having to take it easy and keep it elevated. Figure a few more days before real healing. Have an ACE around it.


Life.... it's marvelous.

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Hey there, Mike... yeh, weird dilution. The only science being that I knew I needed somewhere between 5.5 & 10ml to get it right. MASSDEV quoted 20 mins @ 1/100, that would have been 5.5 ml (550ml to cover a 120 reel in a plastic daylighter), so I went to 8ml to split the difference.


As I understand it, the extra - if you look at it at that way - the extra syrup will not make a difference unless it is needed. I wanted to be certain that I didn't under-dev.


If you have some Rodinal pointers for me, please feel free to e-mail me off-forum. Would be grateful.

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Last question was for Connealy - being assaulted by Mikes! :)


Kovacs - I'm fairly certain it's tissue damage only. No pain other than for swelling at the point of impact. I've prodded to see if I can sense anything broken inside... frankly, I've taken some major hits in life and never broken any thing, and I mean I've taken some hard shots - feel nearly 10' vertical down a warehouse ladder masquerading as steps, hit solid concrete slab... still alive.


I am being much more careful with my equipment, these days.



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Hey, CE...


I don't think this line of thinking about Rodinal ("As I understand it, the extra - if you look at it at that way - the extra syrup will not make a difference unless it is needed.") is right. I mean, the "extra" syrup isn't going to just wait around in case the other 5ml gets exhausted and then step in -- it's gonna go to work on the film right along with the rest.


I think the idea with this stuff is, you keep the dilution constant, but just increase the total amount of liquid in the tank. So if you are supposed to maintain 8ml of concentrate per roll of 120, and you wanted to do a 1:100 dilution, then you would need 808ml of the total solution (syrup+water) which might mean that you would need to do just one roll of film in a tank designed for two rolls just to accomodate that much liquid.


However, in practice, I think people do some pretty high dilutions of Rodinal without worrying too much about that supposed minimum amount of concentrate. If I remember correctly, I have read some people over in the B&W forum doing really low amounts like 3ml-5ml without problems. On the other hand, it's not like 1+25, 1+50 or 1+100 are magical numbers any more than 1+68 or whatever u came up with...as long as you hit on a time that works for you to match that dilution/temperature, which it seems like you did!

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Great work. I like #5 for the focus on the eyes and 8 for the natural expressions.


I'll lend you some advice for your injury, R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation).

That comes from 3 years as a nursing student so take it as you wish, and mix in some

ibuprofen for the swelling.


Good Luck and keep shooting!


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CE, excellent pictures of your beautiful wife and son! Please, don't sell the Kowa.


Never used Rodinal, but perhaps I will try it. My thing is that I've been so attached to HC-110 for the last 20 years that I'm afraid to change.


Regarding your foot...If you can walk without pain, an ACE bandage is enough as well as Todd's suggestions!


Cheers, Tito.

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OK CE , I am going to be the fly in the ointment. The photos themselves are great, you have a very photogenic family. I too like the sharpness and fine grain.My comment would be that the images look a little flat, lacking contrast and a full range of tones. Photo #7 is the closest to what I like , but the others lack the snap that you get from a full range neg. I know photographers who love the Kowa 6 ,although like its brother the Bronica 6x6 , I would not want to take a photo in a quiet room ,with that big mirror going up and down. Yout wife's and yours sons eyes are a exact match.Thanks for sharing the photos.
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After playing around with different developers and since Ilford ID11 is not so easy to get any more, I fell back to using Calbe R09, which is the original Rodinal formula. I use it very highly diluted (1:150) with a rotary processor and get very nice results with APX 100 35mm film, which by the way is the cheapest way of developing film. Rodinal changes it's charakter very much when dilution is changed. At 1:40 you have strong negs with coarse grain, at 1:150 grain is still visible, but much finer and you get the whole grey scale with easily printable negs. This is a very nice combination for classic camera use, as most classic lenses can't deliver the resolution a modern film such as T-Max or Delta is capable of. APX 100 is also more forgiving with incorrect exposure than modern film, which is nice when you use 70+ year old mechanical shutters.
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I love apx in rodinol in my rollei. I shoot it at an ei of 80, give it 12 minutes in rodinol 1:50 at 68. Agitate continous for first minute, 5 sec every 30 second therafter. These negatives print very well on #2 paper under a cold light head. With a condensor develpment would need to be some shorter.

I love the tonality and sharpness of this combo. Tried it in 35, but grain was too big for me.

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