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XA: Dancers

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Let's face it, Sam. It's the man not the cam.


I had an XA and still have an XA2. They are great little cameras, Frankly, I prefer the XA2 with zone focusing, but that's because of old eyes and big hands.


Your pictures are vibrant and capture the moment so well. You excel with people in motion in your photos. Keep surprising us!

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Great photos. I have to buy one of the XA series (maybe the XA2, it seems to me a faster shooter).

The dance we can see here is called Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that looks like a dance (nowadays it is essentially a dance). The Brazilian slaves of the 19th century were not allowed to practise any martial art, so they camouflage the martial movements under a sort of dance so that they could exercise. To the slaves it was a martial art; to their owners it was a dance.

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I actually used an XA professionally about 20 years ago. I was doing photos of real estate "comparables" for a bank and a government agency and my Pentax SLR was too slow to use on busy streets, so I started using an XA. I always took the Pentax along with me to any meetings with the bank and the federal agency so they knew their photos were taken with a "real camera". No one ever noticed the difference between the XA and the Pentax photos! Now that I'm retired, so is my XA (I wore it out). I now have a Rollei 35 that I often use like I used to use the XA, and I personally think the Rollei Tessar is even better than the Zuiko lens was in the XA.
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