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Lenses/film used by HCB?

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Jonathan, I've read that composing upside down lets you concentrate od composition, the relationship of things within the picture. The VIDOM was pretty common at one time. I had one briefly in the early '60's. A beat up VIDOM could be had for $10 or less while a new Imarect would set you back $63. Multiply by six to aproximate today's values with inflation. Anyway, a lot of people were comfortable viewing that way. Remember that we were also shooting with waist level finders on TLR's and SLR's with the image reversed left to right, and if you were a "real photographer" you'd be comfortable with your had under a black cloth looking at an upside down and reversed side to side image on the ground glass of your view camera. None of this namby-pamby auto this and auto that while you view right side up, left is left and right is right, through a pentaprism! Compared to the alternatives of the period a VIDOM was a major convenience, with frames from 35 to 135mm in one unit.
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A lady called Betty Wilson (I think) wrote a popular book about the use of the left side of the brain in art. One way to disengage the dominant right side was to deny it the opportunity to interpret the input from the eye. Thus it's an easily demonstrated fact, which I can vouch for, that anyone will copy drawings MUCH better upside down than right-way up. That's why I thought your comment about the VROM was interesting. I wonder if there's anything in it?


Contrariwise, I've noticed that what passes for composition in my photos fails utterly when inverted from left to right.

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Both the VIDOM and Imarect finders give 100% viewfinder accuracy at real working distances, compared with worse than 90% crop with the built-in M series framelines. And yes, the VIDOM does produce upsidedown images just like you'd see in a real view camera.
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"Nah, Nike probably pays him to use their clubs."


Yes, I hear he needs the money and would sacrifice his game for a little something extra from a sponsor. ;-)


I wonder who would have sponsored Cartier-Bresson these days? Surely not Leica.

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Fortunately, Cartier-Bresson wouldn't have needed the money either, and with his reluctance to be photographed and mischievous comments in interviews, I doubt he would have been sponsored by anyone.


In light of the continuing interest in his work and technique, we could almost say that he, even in death, is sponsoring Leica. ;-)

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