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Lens repair in uk


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Hi everybody


I have done a stupid thing....I put my 90 2.8 lens in a side pocket

of my rucksack whilst going out for a ride on my mototrbike.....not

normally a problem,.....well the problem was that 2 weeks ago we

went to the beech and now I've got sand in the focussing and

aperture rings, (yes I know, what plomker!).


My question is does anybody know of a good repair center in the UK.

I heard of one in Herefordshire. Your recommendations would be



Best regards


p.s. I did a search but only old (2003) posts came up, businesses

change and all that.

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Hello Paul,


I've been very happy with the work of Malcolm Taylor (tel: 01568 770542). He'll examine your lens, give you a quote first and then do a thorough job. His is not a budget operation, but he is *very* good (the Leica museum even let him work on the Ur-Leica, so he tells me.) He has all sorts of specialist Leica tools, collimators, vacuum coating machines and a lot of experience. He operates from a farmhouse in Herefordshire, so he's probably the same repairer you haev heard about.


If you do ring him, say that Seán in Belfast recommended him.


Best wishes,



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