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I have started a photoreflect account, and noticed that thumbnails

were uploaded to the site. My question is, when I am notified of an

order, what happens next? I have found a lab I want to try. I have

set up an account with them already. Do the photos automatically

upload to the processor, or do I upload them when there is an order?

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Hi Jonathan, Is your computer a PC or an Apple? Right now Photoreflect has software

only supporting their print fufillment program (Labtricity) for PC. So if you have an Apple

you would either have to fufill your own orders (i.e. send or bring the files to a lab

yourself-though could be electronically) or use Virtual Windows for Mac. I use Photoreflect

and I have a Mac, but I take the files to a local pro lab that does a great job.



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Assuming you are on a PC:


Set your order price a few pennies over the cost and actually Order a few prints for yourself ... send them to yourself.


If you have Express Digital Web Edition (other versions are similar) then bring up your "Darkroom Web Edition" from the icon on your desktop.

Now, go to "my setup" tab.

Now, click on "Websites" in the left panel.

Now, you will see: "Photoreflects.com Support": click on it.

Now, you will see in the large window: "Manuals": Click on it and find the "Manual" that fits your edition and open it.

Now: Read. Read front to back and click on your software as you read to familiarize yourself with your software.


Take part of a day to do this.

Also: some printers on the Labtricity list (mine is All American) will fall over themselves in helping you figure out how to successfully send them a photo so call the Printer you've selected and ask questions but the Smart thing to do is set aside time to read the manual (download it to your desktop, it's not that long or large).

There is probably someone at the Labtricty Printer you've chosen to help but they have limited time so ask when a good time to call with questions might be for them (merely a suggestion). All American support even takes my emails and helped me over the hump about 3 times but I read the manual and struggled on my own using time I set aside to specifically learn how to do the orders.


Specific to your question: there is an Order tab at the bottom: but, I suggest you read the manual and "grok" the information as you "figger" it all out.



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