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W/NW City Night

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A member here (Travis?) used to post shots taken at night in New

York's Times Square. I decided to try the game myself. The attached

shot was made with a current-version 50mm Summicron. The lens was

wide open and the shutter speed, as I recall, was 1/25. This is one

of the few times that I've used the lens at f2, but now I may make a

habit of it. The picture quality looks no different from that

obtained at f4 or 5.6.<div>00CzQp-24834184.jpg.c6726a223f66c72db7ec86d6d01c48ef.jpg</div>

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ok ... let me go overboard, i probably will regret it but I admit I'm upset because I feel you guys are being top snobs. In the first Summicron pic, the lights not only look like donuts, they look like uncooked donuts, nasty raw-dough donuts & they don't have a nice black center as most of my bokeh. Secondly, I've got probably five times more street lights in the pic than the first pic. I paid $125 for my lens and my lens delivers, bokeh or not. And I haven't seen a good shot made with a Leica lens and posted on photo.net in a long, long time. I am not saying that my shots are brilliant, I'm saying Leica shots posted around here are not even close to mine. Hehehehe. I am challenging you for a night photography contest -- Al, are you up to it???? Leica soldiers? Let's post our pics taken at night next week or so -- allow other non-Leica shooters join. It might be fun after all & we can actually shoot something interesting. Are you up to it?
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Easy does it, Maria. Al is right about the bokeh. Your shots are great, and the harsh bokeh does not detract from that. It's just a technical point. Yes, let's post some night stuff. I'm a little slow, might take me longer than a week.
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Cleaning supplies? Hardly what one would identify as being even tenuously enticing. Typically I allot the pleasure of procuring said supplies to the cleaning woman, gives her an undeniable sense of reward and satisfaction, a feeling of fulfillment and accomplishment. Any "dusting" I shall do will be performed with the use of Leica glass.


Perhaps a pro-pack or two of TRI-X would be deemed more alluring, possibly all contestants throwing a pro-pack into a kitty and the winner would take all.




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Oh my, you let your cleaning lady dust your Leica? Pledge is also good for fondling, in case you didn't know that.


<P>The rules are simple. They are based on an assumption that all partcipants will honestly obey them. There will be no manipulations, that includes toning. The allowed corrections include adjustment of levels/contrast & sharpness. Full frames only. I wouldn't encourage very long lenses as this is against the tradition of this forum. No flash photograhy allowed. All shots must be made after sunset and outside as this is more comparable. Blurr only shots will be hard to compare so I would exclude them. One to a maximum of three photographs per each participant. </p>


<p>After a week or maximum two (I might be gone by the second week of August), we will post our photographs here on the Leica forum and jump on our throats. When the feathers settle down, the only person standing will be proclaimed a winner. </p>


<p> I will post a new thread tomorrow and ask for suggestion re judging. I don't expect many participans so we shouldn't have many organizational problems. Cheers, Maria. </p>


<p>*Special rule for Leica owners: <b>no fondling prior to the contest allowed. </b></p>

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Ah, now it is deceptively apparent, insecurity and anxiety obscured beneath the pretext of rules and convention.


Freedom of expression and creativity be damned, a Bush sympathizer no doubt.


Disappointing in the least and rightfully so I will not be participating in any Fascist sponsored competition.




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I don't need two weeks. I'm ready to go. Right here. Right now. LET'S GET IT ON!<P>


<img src="http://mikedixonphotography.com/noparade01.jpg"><br>

<i>wedding parade, Canal Street, New Orleans</i><p>

<img src="http://mikedixonphotography.com/ddistlightingup01.jpg"><br>

<i>at an outdoor concert, Nashville</i><p>

<img src="http://mikedixonphotography.com/korclub02.jpg"><br>

<i>outside a club, Hongdae, Seoul</i><p></center>

(All shots made with M3 and first-generation 50 Summilux.)

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the opening photograph may demosntrate nice bokeh. I am sure that poring over it with a loupe is an eddifying exercise. I prefer to just sit back and look at Maria's photos however. I don't know much about the bokeh, but they sure are interesting.



BTW, can I get in on this with my Pentacon? Or are owners of Czechnology excluded?

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Chickening out? My dearest Maria by imposing regulations and now which participants may take part in your sophomoric and insignificant little competition it appears as if it is you that is perhaps anguishing from a little apprehension.


Would you not be more comfortable to just go to a local playground and seek out your challengers there?




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What was there in the rules that you didn't like -- was it the fact that you have to get out and actually shoot a picture? As much as this whole thing is silly, I am right on about one thing -- most of you guys are collectors and you don't shoot. It used to be a place to look at decent photography but look what happened -- I opened this W/NW thread and there it was --- a photograph of people's behind that supposed be proving the superiority of Leica lense/bokeh. Sorry, but that was one thread too much for me -- it is OK to take a bad picture with a Leica but it seems plain silly to claim a superiority of the Leica lense based upon it, as Onno and Al did. Really, you can't blame me for having a little fun here, Mr. So Mature.
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