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Best Canon ever


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I have been using my Canon EOS 10s since 1992 and I have never used other models, but for my needs this camera has many features that I use regularly. I have also bought many lenses over the years, but my favourite lens is my 50mm 1.8f EF standard lens. Being a primary lens you really need to position yourself to get the picture you want (if you can), this really makes you think about composition. Also it's a fast lens with a maximum apperture of 1.8f which comes in really handy when shoting inside cathedrals with only natural light available. Also, over the last 14 years, I have taken this lens with me to over a dozen countries in all kinds of weather conditions and the lens and camera have never failed me yet. Great system and great quality.


Zissis Parras

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I have three answers:


A Super-8mm Canon film camera I used a lot during the min-1970s. That was a beautiful camera and worked extremely well - I made my own short movies with it, shot basketball teams for coaches, and other mayhem. What a camera. I should try to buy another and become a film director.


The EOS 10S, bought my first one in 1990. What an excellent body! 4-5 fps and perfect for action sports. 100% reliable; I still have one left in my bag.


And finally the EOS 10D -- Canon's breakthough DSLR. The D30 and D60 did nothing for me. The venerable 10D was the machine that did it. I waited many years for this camera. The price and performance points were utter perfection.

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I wish I had more experience with Canon's offerings. I started with an AE-1P, then an AE-1 and finally a pair of A-1 bodies. I stayed with Canon when I moved to AF and ended up with three 10s bodies + an EOS 300 / R2K (now dead - mirror box).<p>


There was someting about shooting with the A-1 & 35-105/3.5 that just oozed precision and confidence. Now with the 10s bodies I seem to go for the tele-zoom more than any other lens... used to be a Tokina 80-200/2.8 and now a 70-200/IS.<p>


I'm sure that if I had a 1DmkIIN it would be my fave. <b><i>;</i>)</b><p>--

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Canon F1 w/AE Finder FN and with just about any prime! I liked my 100 2.8 ssc alot but if I had to pick just one lens, it would be the 35 f2 ssc. Since prices are low, maybe I should pick up another! Hmmm...



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For film, Canon New F1. Outside I like to use the FD 35mm f2.0 where I can and in the studio I absolutely love the FD 85mm f1.2L. I've also got a T90, A1, and AE1, but for ultimate creative control and manual operation I don't think you can beat the New F1.


For digital, Canon 5D with EF 24-70 f2.8L, but my banker and I are afraid that I am going to love the new EF 85mm f1.2L...

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For Digital, the best Kit I've ever had was:


Canon 5D (miss my 1DM2 built and responsiveness however)

Canon 35mm F1.4L

Canon 24-70 F2.8L

Canon 85mm F1.8

Canon 580ex flash, w/Stroboframe, Omni-bounce


For 90% of my shots, this is all I need.


I have several more L glasses, and primes but I won't mention those as they're mostly cream on top, if you know what I mean.

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I have had many a fine image from my AT-1 and my A-1 from the 80's. I was a little miffed when they switched to the EF lens without making it compatable with the FD lenses. I also liked the FTb for its manual action. No battery? No problem. Anyway, now I pretty much stick to my 20D with a few whistful glances at the full frames out there.
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Fab Mastronardi, nice image. That guy is crazy -- I've seen him cause much havok in the

High Park area.


Personally, my EOS-3 with a 24-70/2.8 and an older Metz 40-MZ2 flash has been my

stable combination since I went EOS last year. I recently added a 70-200/4L to my set.

My favorite lens (used on Pentax but I can't justify purchasing now b/c it is too slow) is the

24-105/4L though.

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I'll give another vote for the T90 + 35-105mm f/3.5 FD lens + 300TL Speedlite. When I started doing weddings, I used that combo and was really happy with it. Especially with the 1/250 flash sync, since I was previously using the A-1 with it's 1/60 max flash sync speed. Eventually, I moved onto medium-format for wedding work. But have now returned to Canon with the 5D. Hmmm, maybe I should re-think my favorite combo as the 5D + 24-105mm :-).
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My all-time favorite combo has been the 1vHS with the 70-200 2.8 IS, and with digital it's the 20D with the same lens. For sentimentality I'd have to say the A2 and the 28-135, although my F1N gets a pretty huge sentimental vote as well. I have a T90 and I like it a lot, but I do like the 1vHS much better, to answer your question. Interestingly, they are both laid out similarly, with features appearing on the 1v that hadn't been used since the T90, like the multiple spot-meter. Even many of the buttons are in similar areas. Both are great cameras, but my nod goes to the 1vHS.
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