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be aware- be very award.

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Oh yeah already had a run in or two. My 2 favorite hobbies Photography and Railfan. Security doesn't like it when I am trying to take pictures of the great old railroad bridges. They just think I want to blow it up. They don't care that in 20 minutes the UP challenger will come steaming by. Sheesh....... A guy just learns to be sneaky......Just watch out for who property you are on....
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You can take a picture from a public place, of a public place, and no security guard or policeman can prevent you. If you're on private property with the owner's permission, or on a public easement, you can still take pictures too.
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No doubt true, but it also isn't something that just started with the Patriot Act. I believe Wright Morris spent some time in an Italian Fascist jail and later in one in the American South for taking pictures at some place that some bureaucrat thought was inappropriate. In the 1940's Russell Lee was investigated by the sheriff of Pie Town as a possible Nazi spy for having taken pictures of the Pie Town post office.It is important to expose these kind of Neanderthal acts whenever they occur.
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You don't want to hold your camera like this. This tends to draw attention no matter who's property you are on. But seriously as long as you are not trespassing or in a obviously marked no photography area have fun.<div>00Cad9-24207784.jpg.9f0b8fd120ec937cd9befdfc42b26c43.jpg</div>
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You poor dears. All inflamed by NPR, living in the freest country in the world, and now you don't even have the "specter" of the NYC subway "ban" to jabber about.


I live in D.C. -- yes, one of the 9/11 targets, home to 39 count 'em police departments -- and have *never* had trouble taking a picture *anywhere*. But I'm sure life is much rougher in, uh, Dayton.

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I ran into the same problem here in Clarksville Tn. But by now all the cops know me and let it pass. I had the Cops tell the owner of the old store that was across from the City building that I was within my rights and that quieted her. Another reason the world will soon go to Digital ......in a hand basket. Just kidding. About the Digital.
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Yeah Craig, I go down by the Argentine Yard as well as most of the others quite a bit. My Brother just got a Job with UP so of course I gotta get a close up tour of some of the good storage yards that would normally be off limits. Last time I was down by Kemper observing the main crossing I got chased away by a fat security guard with an attitude. They are building a new fly over for traffic comming out of Kansas. I have soem shot around here some where.
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Good Gravy... I need to look before hitting the button. Just to add I was talking to one of the yard supervisors down there and he said they have all been asked to be alert and stop and at least talk to everyone they saw at that location. The main crossing for midwest east west traffic and traffic heading south. He was cool and had no problem but some rent a guard had some issues. I have never been threatened with arrest or anythng but when asked moved along.
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Hey, Travis, that's a nifty outfit. Is it yours? I had some nervous moments with one of those gunstock camera mounts once when I flew into Panama (think it was Colón) in a Tri-Pacer in 1959. A tough-looking civil guard at the airfield thought he had apprehended some real desperados. We finally screwed a Bolex on the stock, and he seemed satisfied. Luckily, he didn't open up the inspection port in the tail where we had stashed a .30-.30, a 12ga. and a .38-Special. Ignorance is bliss.
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No not actually a member of any of the clubs. Not sure why as most a a good bunch of folks. I got started when a friend and I went down to the bottoms to take a picture of the double decker old steele bridge down there. Got stuck in between the rail traffic and had to wait for about half hour before we could leave. Been chasing after all sorts of reail related subjects ever since. Agentine Hump yard is pretty cool. Lately I have been after the old depot's and stations before they get torn down.
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