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Thinking about visiting Kings Canyon NP


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What conditions can we expect in mid-August? Will the waterfalls be

flowing? I understand that it will be less croweded than Yosemite,

but has similar terrain and features. Interested in landscapes and

nature, any "must shoot" places? Thanks, Karen

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Kings Canyon is like Yosemite in that it's a post-glaciation sedimented valley surrounded

by towering granite cliff walls. Other than that, it's about 100 miles south so it's hot and it

can be very dusty and dry. If you're planning on hiking or backpacking and not visiting the

higher elevations around the canyon you should find lots of beautiful flowers this summer

and still quite a bit of water. There's still a lot of snow in the Sierra even around Kings

Canyon. Be sure to visit Sequoia National Park (right next door to Kings Canyon) and check

out the giant Sequoia. Morrow Rock has been a longtime favorite with visitors for the

stunning view it offers over the Central Valley, however, the Valley air is quite dense with

smog and dust in the summer so the view will undoubtedly be less than spectacular. Your

best bet is to get out of the car, put on the hiking boots, and head to the high country.

Enjoy your trip.

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I just returned from 10 days in Yosemite and Sequoia/Kings Canyon. I'm guessing the conditions will be about the same in August as in July, HOT. Maybe a little less water will be flowing over the falls. It was a good year for the snow pack so there should still be lots of water. Kings Canyon terrain it quite different from Yosemite's but still spectacular. You shouldn't have any problems finding unlimited photo opportunities. Go to the end of the road and take the hike along the river and to the falls in Kings canyon. You don't have to get too far away from any parking lot before you leave the crowds behind and the scenery gets more and more awesome the further you go. Moro rock is short hike to get you seemingly on top of the world. Hope you are not afraid of heights.

I'm still using one of the old cameras with film so I'm looking forward to getting my pictures back soon. Have fun. Our national parks are the best!!!

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Something else to consider if you've got the time - depending on where you're coming from to get to Kings Canyon, stop off and check out the Pinnacles (about 2 hrs south of San Francisco). That park is positively otherworldly - the canyons there look like something from a sci-fi film. One half of the geologic formation that makes up the Pinnacles is there , the other half is on the other side of the San Andreas fault, about 200 miles to the south.
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We just got back from several days on the east side of the Sierra but did get to Devil's Postpile as well (it's over the crest and on the San Joaquin River). It's been very hot but they were also having thunderstorms. It's been a good year for water so you should still have more than usual for that time of year. The only place we were bothered by mosquitos was Devils Postpile but the rain chased them away. The General's Highway area has spectacular sequoia groves - which can be awkward to photograph - but are well worth seeing even if extremely tall trees and very contrasty lighting conditions are common.
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